Happy New Year!

January is often that time of year when people decide to ‘tighten their belts’ after Christmas spending, or resolve to review their finances and manage their money differently. If that is you, or someone you know, and you’re not sure where to start then why not consider signing up to join the new, updated CAP Money Coaching course.

When: 7.30-9.30pm, Thursdays 18, 25 January and 1 February

Where: St Mungo’s Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno, EH14 7AG.

What is it? Hosted by St Mungo’s but using CAP’s Money Coaching resources, it consists of expert teaching and guidance from financial specialists across the UK through a series of videos (please note this isn’t regulated financial advice). There’s activities and discussions to help you apply it all in real life and you will leave feeling equipped and more confident to manage your finances.

What will I learn? You’ll receive up-to-date, expert advice on different topics that will help you navigate your day-to-day finances.

· How to build and balance a household budget

· Learn how to structure your finances using a system proven to work

· Find ways to save more and get the most out of your spare cash

· Explore the difference between essential and optional expenses and find ways to realistically cut costs

· Unlimited access to a mobile-friendly budget worksheet

Cost: Free!

The course is open to all, whether you consider yourself part of St Mungo’s or not. There’ll be a warm welcome for you (and some hot drinks and goodies as well!). There will be some group discussions but please note that nobody has to share anything about their own personal finances. If you have any questions or would like to book a space, please get in touch via CAP@stmungos.org