Volunteer Job Opportunities
0-18 Team
We have over 100 children and young people in our church family and our desire is for them to know the abundant life that Jesus offers, to live that life to overflowing and then share that life with those around them. We want to equip, encourage and empower children and young people for a lifelong journey of faith and we need your help to do that.
We often have vacancies across all our groups. For the latest vacancies and to speak to our 0-18 team email: 0to18team@stmungos.org.
Young Adults
We have a number of young adults in our congregation and we are looking to create a team to help develop a discipleship group for them. We also have some young adults with additional needs and have a group dedicated to helping them feel included as significant members of our church family, and we are looking for some additional volunteers to help support these young adults.
Setup Team
St Mungo’s uses Balerno High School, St Margaret’s Academy and Heriot-Watt University for it’s Sunday services. Each of these venues needs to be turned from their weekly use and setup into what we need for a Sunday. This involves moving tables and chairs, putting boxes of equipment in hired rooms, laying out equipment for the tech teams, putting up signage and in Livingston it occasionally involves driving the van. The start time for this role is 8am on Sunday morning and then 12 noon(ish) to help return the rooms back to their weekly setup.
Email: graham.wilson@stmungos.org