Most Sunday mornings the youth in Balerno meet together at 10.30am in the church building for their own event. They regularly serve the church on teams in the main service and during the week, and join the main service one Sunday a month - usually for communion.
On Sunday mornings in Livingston, the youth join everyone in the main 10.30am service (at St Margaret’s Academy) for worship, before moving into small groups to spend time together and grapple with issues of faith and life.
Balerno and Livingston
We have a big S1-S6 joint event every few weeks with young people from both sites. Worship is regularly led by our youth band and we have a talk, often from a youth leader, current youth or former youth, followed by prayer ministry – a chance for young people to encounter God in a safe place.
During term time we all meet together in Balerno on Friday nights to hang out, play games, kick footballs and loads of other one off special events through the year. This is open to everyone in S1-S6.
During the year we invite all our S1-S6 young people to come away on a long weekend for outdoor adventures, Bible teaching, worship, seminars and plenty of games and relationship building.