Life seasons is the women's ministry of St Mungos and is for every adult woman within the church no matter what season of life you find yourself in.
The heart of Life Seasons is to see meaningful relationships develop within the women of the church, supporting and encouraging one another on the journeys we are all on.
It is a place to be inspired and encouraged in our walk with God, where it is is safe to tell our stories and to be vulnerable. Our heart is to embrace the diversity within our church and to learn from one another as we walk through different stages of life and seasons. The focus is on living a life which will honour God, to look outwards at how our lives impact those around us, our wider community and world.
We meet at least once a term on a Saturday morning or evening. We begin this year sharing a meal together on February 22.
Please email to book your place at the meal - RSVP by 10th February.