At St Mungo’s pastoral care flows from our vision to be a nurturing church, where we value putting God’s love into practice through caring relationships.

We are committed to treating with dignity and respect everyone we engage with and to working for every person’s good and growth. We operate according to the St Mungo’s confidentiality policy.  Copies are available on request.

The primary source of pastoral care is our house groups. These groups provide care and discipleship for the church family. We have evening groups for the Livingston congregation, and both daytime and evening groups for Balerno. If you would like to join a house group, please complete a form and return it to a member of staff. After discussion with you, we will place you in a suitable group as soon as we can make arrangements.

We also have a number of staff who devote some or all of their work time to pastoral care for more complex situations. This can cover challenges that we face with health, relationships, caring, finances, parenting, work, identity and discipleship. Pastoral care may be offered as a one-off meeting, or as part of an on-going relationship depending on need.

The staff involved are listed below. For contact telephone numbers please see the staff contact list on Churchsuite.

Andrea Brewster: Family-focused pastoral care, plus family events and courses;

Adrian Smith:  General pastoral care, meetings with men;

Sarah Tomb: General pastoral care;

Kate Yates: Pastoral care alongside other duties, Minis, Salveo (inner healing) appointments with Simon Yates;

Helen Yewdall: General pastoral care with a focus on health and wellbeing;

Tracey Braithwaite: Welcoming newcomers to Livingston; ladies coffee mornings;

Ollie Clegg: Pastoral care/discipleship related to newcomers;

Isaac Knight: Pastoral care/discipleship related to Livingston;

David Lyons: General pastoral care;

0-18 staff team available for pastoral care and support of our young people;