Next Spirit Cafe:
Monday 24 February at The Mercure Hotel, Livingston
7:30pm - 9:30pm (Drop-in)
If you are in need of some direction, peace, healing, or simply an encounter with a God that loves you, then come to the Spirit Café. No one was ever turned away by Jesus, and we believe that anyone who wants to come and have a real encounter with Him is welcome.
What is it?
The Spirit Café is an event put on by St Mungo’s. Upon arrival, you will be greeted at the door and shown to a table where you will be presented with a ‘Menu’. The menu items are not food, but rather things that meet the needs of the spirit, soul & body. Each menu item is a ‘treatment’, and all treatments are free. You will then be asked to choose from one of the 5 treatments. These are:
Spiritual Readings—Sit down with the team as they wait upon the Holy Spirit (of God), and relay any pictures or messages from God, for you!
Physical healing—Do you need a healing in your body? Sit down with the team as they invite the power of the Holy Spirit to come and heal you in Jesus name.
Peace Treatment —Our team will invite the Spirit of Peace (the Holy Spirit), to come and wash over you, a concentrated peaceful prayer time.
Spiritual Cleansing—Do you carry guilt and shame from the past? If you would like to unburden your soul, receive forgiveness and be made clean and new, this is the one for you.
Dream Interpretation – Dreams can be hard to understand, even strange at times. Often there are hidden messages. Our team of dream interpreters will help relay what God is trying to say to you.
The treatment teams have all been trained and all treatments are done through the Holy Spirit. Everyone is welcome to come to the Spirit Café and there is no charge, and no obligation.