We are one church in two locations, Balerno (Edinburgh) and Livingston, and we want to Be Love to these two communities, sharing the Good News of the Gospel. Thank you for taking the time to prayerfully consider this opportunity and we ask God’s leading and blessing on you as you do so.
— Ollie Clegg - Rector

Paid Job Opportunities

Youth & Children's Worker [Livingston]

21-25 hours per week.
£33,000-£35,000 [pro rata] depending on experience.

We are seeking a youth & children’s worker for our Livingston congregation to join our 0-18 staff team to support and nurture the spiritual growth and development of the young people in our church. The role will work under the leadership, management and oversight of the St Mungo’s Associate Rector.

If you are interested in finding out more about this role, please email recruitment@stmungos.org for more details.

Team Administrator

20hrs per week

c.£25,000-£28,200 [pro rata] depending on experience

We are looking for a part-time team administrator to work in our Balerno office, who is accomplished in office administration, to provide admin support to the senior team and staff team, ensure the smooth running of the office on a day-to-day basis and provide the 0-18 ministry with admin cover. The post holder will need to be a team player with a readiness to be part of our worshipping community, aiming to fulfil requirements of the post by ensuring that the administrative ministry of St Mungo's is undertaken effectively in line with the vision and values of the church and the church’s resourcing needs are met.

If you are interested in finding out more about this role, please email recruitment@stmungos.org for more details.

Volunteer Job Opportunities

We have a number of volunteering roles available, both during the week and on Sunday mornings.

Serving on one of our teams is a brilliant way to reconnect back into church life, to grow and strengthen relationships and to worship the Lord. We are a church family who place a high value on serving and would love to invite you to get involved.

0-18 Team Vacancies

We have over 100 children and young people in our church family and our desire is for them to know the abundant life that Jesus offers, to live that life to overflowing and then share that life with those around them. We want to equip, encourage and empower children and young people for a lifelong journey of faith and we need your help to do that.

The vacancies we currently have across our 0-18 teams are as follows:

Balerno: Little Wonders (0-3) - 1 vacancy caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Balerno: Climbers (3-4) - 1 vacancy caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Balerno: Primary (P1-P7) - 4 vacancies caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Balerno: Youth Sunday am - 5 vacancies jonny.slatter@stmungos.org

Balerno: Youth Friday Night - 3 vacancies jonny.slatter@stmungos.org

Livingston: Pre-school (0-4) - 1 vacancy caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Livingston: Primary (P1-P4) - 1 vacancy caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Livingston: Youth (P6-S6) - 2 vacancies caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

For more information on what the roles entail, the frequency of the rotas, what experience we’re looking for etc. please email the relevant member of staff.

Young Adults Vacancies

We have a number of young adults in our congregation and we are looking to create a team to help develop a discipleship group for them. We also have some young adults with additional needs and have a group dedicated to helping them feel included as significant members of our church family, and we are looking for some additional volunteers to help support these young adults.

Balerno: Pioneers (Additional Needs Support) - 2 vacancies david.lyons@stmungos.org

Balerno: Young Adults Discipleship - 3 vacancies david.lyons@stmungos.org

Setup Team Vacancies

St Mungo’s uses Balerno High School, St Margaret’s Academy and Heriot-Watt University for it’s Sunday services. Each of these venues needs to be turned from their weekly use and setup into what we need for a Sunday. This involves moving tables and chairs, putting boxes of equipment in hired rooms, laying out equipment for the tech teams, putting up signage and in Livingston it occasionally involves driving the van. The start time for this role is 8am on Sunday morning and then 12 noon(ish) to help return the rooms back to their weekly setup.

Balerno: 4 vacancies fil.stevenson@stmungos.org

Livingston: 2 vacancies fil.stevenson@stmungos.org