As we begin a new year, our mission partners and projects which we support had a busy end to the year with much to give thanks for. With 2023 now under way they continue to face the challenge of cost of living increases and finding ways to support ministries and communities who are finding these extreme times hard.
Mission News: Dec 22
Interview with Devin Scobie, Starfish Asia
Mission News: Nov 22
Mission News: Oct 22
Mission News: Sept 22
CMS Christmas Gift Thank You Video
Mission News
Starfish Asia Newsletter - June 2022
Starfish Asia’s latest newsletter shares news of students who have gone on to further education which enables them to have a hope for the future and where schools are benefitting from financial support to be able to offer children a safe place to learn.
CMS Newsletter - June 2022
CMS have been celebrating a number of students across their ministries obtaining high pass marks in their recent school exams; a wedding; conferences; baptisms and training events. You can read more about these events in their most recent newsletter.
Starfish Asia - Christmas Gift Collection 2021 Thank You
Starfish Asia were one of our Christmas Gift 2021 recipients and received £13,660 towards renovation work at Star Shine School. See how the funds have impacted the teachers and pupils and their gratitude for the generosity of St Mungo’s - watch here.
Starfish Asia - Prayer Bulletin
Starfish Asia’s latest Prayer Bulletin shares prayer requests for the political situation in Pakistan; recent UK Board Meeting and the massive undertaking of training 379 teachers from Starfish Schools through June.
Interview with Gavin & Heather Falconer
Gavin & Heather featured this month on Reach Beyond’s PrayerZone Live all the way from Ecuador. If you are interested to hear what each of them are doing, this 15 minute interview is a great insight and can be watched on Youtube:
March 2022 Newsletter from CMS
It’s been a busy first quarter in Eswatini and many highlights to read in the latest newsletter from CMS, including giving thanks for answered prayer.
Starfish Asia - March Newsletter
Starfish Asia have just recently received 50% of our Christmas Gift Collection. If you are unsure of what Starfish Asia do, why not read their March newsletter for more details on this amazing ministry of schools in Pakistan.
Gavin & Heather Falconer's First Newsletter
Gavin & Heather have arrived safely in Ecuador and have been busy in those first few weeks. Read all about what they’ve been up to and prayer points for the coming week via their first newsletter.
Comfort International Winter Newsletter
Latest Newsletter from CMS
A thank you and some photo highlights from Challenge Ministries Swaziland, celebrating some of their celebrations through December.
Comfort International thank you
Comfort International are so grateful for all the financial and prayer support over the last year and have sent St Mungo’s a letter of thanks here from Callum Henderson and a video thank you from the Comfort team.