Connections Evenings

In a season where we are unable to meet in person, our Connections evenings provide a chance for St Mungo’s members to gather together on Zoom and connect with people beyond those in our housegroups.

We’ll meet fortnightly on non-housegroup Thursdays starting from Thursday 15th October.

Each event will typically start at 8pm, sometimes with everybody on the same Zoom call so we can see each other and share a time of worship together before we break out for our chosen topic for the night. On other evenings we’ll have a separate Zoom call for each group. Some evenings there’ll be an opportunity to send in questions in advance; for others we’ll have a speaker, an interview or a chance for wider discussion.

Before each event you’ll get an email giving you more information about the two topics and details of how to sign up on ChurchSuite and get the Zoom invitation.

The programme for Autumn 2020 and early 2021 is below.

We hope you’ll be able to join with at least one of these Connections evenings over the coming months and enjoy some time with others in our church family. If you have any questions, please contact

  • 15th Oct How to do Alpha; Living with uncertainty

  • 29th Oct Working from home; ‘Let’s talk about race’

  • 12th Nov Money & personal finances; Faith in the family when there’s no church

  • 26th Nov International mission partners; Creative Curve

  • 10th Dec Men’s night; Ladies’ night Hosted by Life Seasons team

  • 14th Jan Keeping spiritually healthy; Social justice in Scotland

  • 28th Jan Healthy boundaries & priorities; Parenting Tweens & Teens