OM Options for 2020

TeenStreet Life // 4-8 August 

TeenStreet is OM’s week-long summer discipleship event designed to equip the next generation to deepen their friendship with Jesus and to reflect Him daily in their lives. This summer TeenStreet will not be in Germany, but in your living room! Let’s be honest, we can’t replicate the full youth event experience, but we can still get together in online NET groups to connect, laugh, encourage and inspire each other. And we can still worship in our homes, just like we do in Throne Room. It’s only £25pp but some sessions are free.

MDT Live! // Starts 14 September for three months. 

With a week-day virtual classroom (UK afternoons) as well as home assignments, the key values of Missions Discipleship Training are at the heart of this programme - personal mentoring, quality training from experienced mission practitioners, developing important spiritual disciplines and exploring our life story in light of our identity in Christ. An option ideal for church interns or those seeking to grow into a missional lifestyle. It is especially ideal for those exploring overseas mission in the future but cannot yet commit to relocating.

Gap Year Challenge // Starts 14 September. 

Responding to the challenges of COVID-19 this new Gap Year option is designed to respect government advice with social distancing measures, but still provid a valuable faith-growing experience. Based at Quinta, England, small groups will live as a student community. Alongside teaching and discipleship, the Gap Year Challenge will involve team building expeditions in Snowdonia, Wales; evangelistic outreaches in the UK and hopefully overseas mission trips. There’s a 3, 7 or 11-month option.

St Mungo’s supports Steve Packwood at OM financially and in prayer.