10:30am Sunday 19th January 2020, Balerno High School*

Please make it a priority to attend this special occasion in the church year and hear Malcolm cast the vision for 2020.

*Our Livingston congregation will meet as usual in St Margaret’s Academy at 10:30 and join us by video link for the AGM and Vision Talk.

The AGM will include the appointment of Vestry Office Bearers. The Vestry (our Church Board) oversees the financial and practical stewardship of St Mungo’s, provides support to Malcolm and the staff, and carries out the responsibilities of Charity Trustees under Scottish Law. Each AGM, two Vestry members step down (unless one has to serve longer to cover a vacant post) and two new members are nominated as candidates to succeed them by the current Vestry. Each person present at the AGM who is on the communicants’ roll (i.e. a regular worshipper and 16 or over) will be invited to affirm the appointment of the nominated candidates. If appointed, the new members will serve on Vestry for 3 years. Vestry’s nominated candidates are:

Tracey Braithwaite: Tracey has been at St Mungo’s for 26 years, has led children’s groups, is a trained counsellor, currently leads a Livingston house group (with husband David), serves on the worship and Spirit Cafe teams and hosts a Livingston ladies group. Tracey has over 30 years’ experience in Banking, currently working in Learning and Development.  Tracey and David have three daughters. 

Gill Scott: Gill has been with us for around 16 years and came to faith through the Alpha course.  She has served on Vestry before and has continued to serve in a number of areas including as part of the hosting team. Gill is HR Director of Aegon UK, an Edinburgh-based financial services company, is married to Devin Scobie and between them they have 3 grown up boys.

Alison Wilson, Steve Denning and Francis Cummings will stand for re-election as People’s Warden, Lay Representative to the Diocese and Alternate Lay Representative respectively.

Further information, including the annual report and accounts, will be made available at the Annual General Meeting. Please direct any questions to Derek Thomson (Vestry Secretary) or any current member of the Vestry.