Walking alongside people in loss and trauma

A ‘Living Well’ event,  Saturday 7 May 9.45am – 1pm in St Mungo’s Ministry Centre


You are invited to a morning seminar on ‘Walking alongside people in loss and trauma’. 

This event is partly in response to questions raised by church members over how we might offer friendship or support to any refugees in our community. It will be an interactive morning which will include opportunities to look more widely at losses and traumas experienced (for example during Covid) as well as traumas and trauma responses faced by refugees. We will focus on how we can love, listen and lend a hand to people we walk alongside both within and outwith our church community, remembering that all our strength and empowerment in helping comes from God. 

The event is free but numbers are capped so please sign up to book a space via the link below. 

And if you have any further questions please do get in touch with us -  lynn.millar@stmungos.org or andrea.brewster@stmungos.org  



Andrea & Lynn


Ps If you’re wondering what ‘Living Well’ is, it describes a series of joint events hosted between the Wellness Centre and pastoral staff, focussing on topics that are often discussed in the counselling setting and which we have felt would be helpful to explore further as a church. People find the events personally helpful and also informative and equipping to help others, both within the church and wider community. Pre-pandemic and through some of our Connections events we previously hosted a ‘Marriage MOT’ evening, and events on Bereavement, ‘Living with uncertainty’ and Anger.