Dates for your diary!
St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information.
Christmas with St Mungo’s – check website for the details of all our services over December. Do invite friends via the links on the website and facebook community. Please especially note timings as they are sometimes different to our usual pattern, particularly no service at 10.30 on 20 Dec (carols at 8pm that day) and Mighty Mungos Christmas Day special is at 11am.
Christmas Eve communion services in the church building – waiting list through
Dates for your Diary: look out for an email early next week covering plans for late December and January.
St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal to support OM’s work in Yemen has already passed £5,000! Thank you for your amazing generosity. If you haven’t already contributed, you can do so here
Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section designed for primary aged children and their families, some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to any age! This is taking a break on 27 December.
Balerno Youth: last event before the Christmas break is Sunday 20 Dec with small groups in the morning at 10.50am. We will be returning on Friday 8 Jan and Sunday 10 Jan.
Livi Youth: Won’t be meeting on Zoom on Sunday 20 Dec, so that they are free to watch the Carol Service at 8pm. Livi Youth will return on Sunday 10 January.
Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to
Wellness Centre is now closed until Monday 11 January.
Pray for a good response to the St Mungo’s Christmas services available on line – especially Immanuel, the Carol Service and the Mighty Mungos Christmas special
Give thanks for our housegroups and the leaders and the support they give any year but especially this year when we could not meet in person. Pray for Lawrie and Elaine Hudson, Andrew and Wendy Brown, Malcolm and Sue Round as they have stepped down from housegroup leadership. And for Richard and Katherine Burnett and Paul and Sarah Stanger as they take up the role.