Week beginning 10 November

Carol Services – Christmas card invites are available for our Balerno carol services. Please take a bundle, pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc and throughout Balerno. Why not pop some in envelopes and personalise the invite? Livingston invites available next Sunday. Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

The very unexpected Christmas present: A free event for families with under 5’s. Sunday 8 Dec, 10.30am Balerno High School. Invites available.

Tearfund Big Quiz Night. St Mungo’s is hosting a Big Quiz in Balerno High School at 7.30pm on Saturday 16 November.  Flyers available, RSVP by Thursday to quiznight@stmungos.org

Spirit Café in Livingston on Monday 18 November.  Howden Park Centre, Livingston 7.30-9.30pm.  Flyers available.

Green Room Balerno 10:30: This is an area for our littlest babies and their mums, and we are trialing a new location, situated off the concourse near the disabled toilet as you approach the tech desk.

GOLD is meeting for over 60’s in church building, Balerno from 2-4pm on Tuesday 12 November. Entertainment and afternoon tea provided.   Tickets will also be available for our Christmas lunch (£21) and there will be a Traidcraft stall. Please therefore bring cash with you.  RSVP gold@stmungos.org to book your place. 

Bethany Care Van urgently needs men’s clothes, especially coats, fleeces, jumpers, underwear, hats and gloves for this winter. Many, many thanks for all the wonderful donations over the past year. Please contact Lindsey Cummings to arrange for drop off.

Pioneers: We are desperately looking for volunteers to serve in Pioneers, our Balerno young adults with additional needs group.  For more details email david.lyons@stmungos.org.

Lost Property in Balerno –check it isn’t yours before it goes to charity!


Please pray for our mission partners at Challenge Ministries Swaziland as they grieve the tragic loss in a car accident of a family and one of the older boys from Bulembu, their orphan village.

Please pray for children and families as they start to hear about our St Mungo’s Christmas events – that they would be able to make plans for inviting friends.