Week beginning 10 September

Click here for the latest news post:  This is St Mungo’s Course.

Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

“This is St Mungo’s” is a new course starting on Tuesday 12 September – check out the newspost for more information.

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  We recognise that connecting with others in a large congregation, in a noisy concourse is not always easy.  To press into one of our core values of family, starting on 17 September, we will have a Connect Point where you can meet new people and have a chat over a cuppa.  There will be someone there to welcome you and introduce you to others, so you don’t need to break the ice yourself. This is a place for everyone, whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years.  Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse after the service.

Healing prayer is offered after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston.  Just make your way to the healing banner where the team will pray for you.  Also if you have personal healing needs you would like the healing prayer cell to pray for then email a brief description to enquiries@stmungos.org and the group will pray in confidence for you.

Gold.  The St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets on Tuesday 12 September at 2pm until 3.30pm in the St Mungo’s Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Fun, fellowship and cake for youngsters over 60.  All welcome including new faces.  Please contact Marjorie or David Brown on 0780 4274719 if you would like more information.

Balerno Outreach: Join us at 2pm on Saturday 16 September for a prayer walk around Balerno. It will last approximately 1hr, starting with worship in the Ministry Centre and then splitting into small groups to pray around the village.

Transform our monthly evening of worship and prayer ministry will be returning to Balerno High School on Sunday 17 September at 6.30pm.   Why not plan to come along.

Kintsugi Hope: We are excited to be starting a Kintsugi Hope Group on Thursday evenings at the end of September. The group is open to people both in the church and those in the community and provides a safe, supportive space for people who feel, or have felt, overwhelmed. It covers topics such as disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience. If you would like more information email: david.lyons@stmungos.org

Spirit Café Livingston: The next date for Spirit Café in Livingston will be Thursday 21 September at Howden Park Centre 7:30-9:30. Put the date in your diary, grab the Eventbrite graphic shared on Facebook and start spreading the word.

Livi Family Update Lunch. Sunday 24 September (after the service in St Margaret’s) Members of the Livingston congregation are invited to bring along a picnic lunch and join us as we think about all things Livi, past, present and future. This will be a great opportunity to share with one another as we discern where God may be calling us as a congregation in Livingston. We would love as many people to be part of this as possible, so please do mark this in your diaries.

Youth café help needed.    One off volunteers, required. Friday 29 September to help run a café at Youth Encounter Night in Church Building, Balerno. Please contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org if you can help.

Life Seasons.  Saturday 30 September (10.00am-12.30pm) will be the next Life Seasons event, open to all the ladies of St.Mungo's from S5 upwards. Sharon Garlough Brown will be our guest speaker, sharing some teaching with us and leading us in a time of prayer and reflection. More details and booking information was on the Church Suite email – or contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

0-18 activities.

·        Youth: Sunday 10 Sept: Balerno at Refuel (S1-6) Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10:30.  Livi Youth as normal.

·        Deeper (S4-6) Ministry Centre, 46b Bavelaw Road, Sunday 10 Sept. 4-6:15pm (food provided before the evening service) (Balerno and Livingston)

·        Youth Worship.  Thursday 14 September 7:30-9:30 at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday Youth on 15 Sept: Bake Off at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno 7:30-9:30 SIGN UP ESSENTIAL – see email from Jonny

·        Livi Kids and Livi youth will NOT meet on Sunday 17 September

·        Next Youth Encounter Service will be on Friday 29 September – please sign up in advance for catering purposes.

·        Saturday Socials for primary aged children will start in October. Watch out for more details coming soon.


Please pray for the 36 primary children at Scoughall this weekend. Pray for fun, protection, conversations and most of all for the Holy Spirit to be encountered.

Pray for the St Mungo's Vestry team as they meet on Wednesday.   For wisdom as they discuss budgets and other church governance matters.