In person Sunday morning church services, 12 September at 10.30am at St Margaret’s Academy, Howden South Road, Livingston EH54 6AT. We will use a QR code to comply with Test and Protect so pre-booking is not required. Please arrive between 10 and 10.15 in order to allow the auditorium to fill safely, young people to be dropped off at groups and everyone to check in. The Balerno congregation will meet at Heriot Watt on 19 September.
0-18 Sunday mornings – Pre-school, Primary and Youth groups will all run during the live services. (12 Sept this is for Livingston congregation). You will be able to drop off and register your young person from 10.15. Mighty Mungos continues online for those unable to attend.
Balerno Youth Sunday Morning Groups: On Sunday 12 September, Balerno Youth will be back on Zoom, whilst the Livingston Sunday morning service is happening. The session will begin at 10.50am until 11.45am. Zoom code will be emailed. All in S1-S6 are welcome. Sunday 19 September will be back in person at Heriot Watt University; doors open from 10.15am for a 10.30am start.
Friday Night Youth 17 Sept: 7.30pm - 9.00pm; this will be the start of our indoor events this term, now that the nights are getting darker earlier. We will return to the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for football on the 2G pitch; crafts; indoor games. All S1-S6 welcome. Pre-booking no longer required. More details will be posted on the Youth Instagram and Community Facebook page during the week. Please remind your young person to bring a face covering.
Lesley Penny’s Ordination to the Diaconate will take place on Sunday 26 September at 3.30pm in St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place. St Mungo’s are warmly invited to attend and bring their best singing voices! No booking required. She starts her new role as Curate at St Cuthbert’s, Colinton on Sunday 10 October.
Balerno Farmers Market – could you join the team? The market is the second Saturday of every month and we host a St Mungo’s stall. It’s a chance to ‘Be Love’ in the community of Balerno, giving out free children’s craft packs, chatting to people and inviting them to church. Help needed with set up / take down, prepping crafts in advance and shifts hosting the stall. Please contact to sign up or find out more.
Parentalk – the Teenage years – starts this week on Zoom. Care for the Family course, once a month on a Wednesday evening, starting on 15 September. All households with young people in P6-S5 should have received an email about it this week. To find out more or to sign up, contact
Please pray for Jonny Slatter as he joins the staff team on Monday in his role of Balerno Youth Worker; and for his wife, Megan, as they both settle into married life; new home and a new church.
Please pray for Vestry as they meet on Wednesday, in person for the first time since March 2020. Give thanks for the wisdom of the Vestry members, especially having navigated the church through a pandemic and a leadership transition in the last 18 months.
Please pray for Martin Doak and Christine Campbell (Balerno congregation) as they get married on Saturday in Edinburgh.