Week beginning 14 August

Click here for the latest news post: Magnitude

Last Summer service on 14 August. There are 4 services and feel free to choose whichever service or services that best fits for you. These service are:

08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 – Church Family service @ James Watt Centre, Heriot-Watt University (All ages)

10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. (no separate 0-18 groups)

18:30 – Evening Service @ the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Normal service venues resume! On Sunday 21 August we return to our parallel morning services at 10.30 in Balerno High School and at St Margaret’s Livingston. Groups for 0-S6 will be available at each site. There will not be an evening service on 21 August.

New preaching series from Sunday 21 August: If someone asked you who you are, you might use your name, race, job, or religion just to name few to answer this question. When we placed our faith in Jesus we were given a new identity in Him. During this term we are going to be exploring who we are ‘in Christ’ and allow these amazing truths about who God says we are ‘in Him’ to transform us as we encounter His Word and Spirit so that we can live out who we really are ‘in Christ’.

Refreshments Resume from Sunday 21 August: We are looking forward to serving refreshments again after both Balerno & Livingston morning services. To help reduce resources, we will be moving away from providing cups for everyone and we request that you bring your own reusable flasks / cups with you to church. Initially there will be recyclable cups available if you forget, and the children’s juice will be served in cups provided.

Evening services: Next one is on Sunday 28 August at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 6.30pm. Do join us if you are able.

Social Sundays: First one of these is on 4 September – do start planning! In his core values family talk Dave Lyons outlined plans to make the first Sunday of each month a social Sunday when there isn’t an evening service and we are encouraged to socialise within the church and outside. Check out the full talk here: https://stmungos.org/talk/family This can be anything big or small that encourages community: lunch, walk, picnic, beach, games etc.

Isaac Knight, our new Associate Rector, joined the staff on Monday 8 August. He is based at the Ministry Centre in Balerno, and can be contacted on Isaac.knight@stmungos.org. Please continue to pray for Isaac as he beings this new role and for his wife, Ruth, as they settle into their new home in Livingston.

Induction Service for Isaac will be on Thursday 8 September at 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. This is an opportunity for us as a church to gather together and welcome Isaac as our Associate Rector. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

St Mungo’s Vacancies: The role of Youth & Children's Worker in Livingston remains vacant. Please do pass the details on to anyone you think would be interested in joining our 0-18 Ministry and working in Livingston and pray for this role to be filled. This is a great opportunity for someone to work alongside Isaac, our new Associate Rector, lead the ministry in Livingston and develop the ministry through networking and relationships with local schools. The job application pack can be found here.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are still looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team which is for the 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Friday night Youth starts back on Friday 19 August with a trip to Ryze. Parents who have signed young people up, please ensure you have filled out the waiver that has been emailed to you. Meet at Ryze Adventure Park at 6:30pm for this.

Deeper: Our new S4-S6 Leadership group launches Sunday 21 August. For this session meet at Kenny and Suzie Erasmuson’s house at 7:30pm. Please let Jonny know by Monday 15 August whether to expect your young people (if this group is applicable for them).

Primary groups get together socially on Saturday 27 August at the church building Balerno. https://stmungos.org/news/autumn-fun Full details have been handed out/sent to families but do contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungo.org if you have questions.

Kids Weekend Away, bookings close soon: Parents of P5-P7 (both Balerno and Livingston) sign them up for this weekend away to Scoughall, on 9-11 September. tinyurl.com/scoughall

More information from Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Valley Friends. Check out the news post for full information about this new opportunity to be love to our community. Information evening on Wednesday 24 August in Ministry Centre. Please contact Helen at helen.yewdall@stmungos.org if you would like to know more.

Housegroup leaders will meet on Wednesday 31 August. Do offer to babysit where it helps.

Company of Men. Balerno men are invited to an evening walk on Thursday 1 September, followed by a drink in Balerno. Invite has gone out to sign up.

Gold: is next meeting on Tuesday 13 September at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. More details will follow but please note the date.

Love After Marriage. This course will be running again in the autumn (start date of Monday 3 October with sessions on 6 Mondays and some Saturdays). It will be held at Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church premises and run by Paul and Sarah Stanger from St Mungo’s. It is open to any married couples from St Mungos or Holy Trinity church. Love After Marriage is a course to encourage couples and it helps connect couples on a deep and intimate level so they can experience the kind of marriage they hoped for. Contact: Paul & Sarah Stanger for more details, (paul.stanger@outlook.com, sarahstangerconsulting@hotmail.com).

The Bethany Care Van has been awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. Described as the MBE equivalent for volunteers, it is the highest award given to local voluntary groups in the UK. A huge congratulations to our amazing St Mungo's team of volunteers, who faithfully and sacrificially go out twice a month, Being Love to homeless people on a Monday Lunchtime and a Thursday evening. If you are interested in joining the team please contact emmagalloway@gmail.com for more information.

Congratulations to Allan and Sarah Lindsay (Balerno congregation) on the safe arrival of Harrison in July.


Please pray for Deborah Mitchell, young person from the Livi congregation, who starts an internship year with SU at Lendrick Muir. For more information about what Deborah will be up to, please see the interview with her from Sunday 7 August, found at 31 minutes on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UT9s9Nz6ms