Easter Sunday (12 April) 10.30 services will be all age family services in both Balerno and Livingston. Invitations available.
Spirit Cafés – Livingston on Monday 23 March, Balerno on Saturday 28 March. Please be praying for people to come along and encounter God at each of these evenings. Team – can you please remember to sign up if you able to serve.
Mum’s Alpha course, Thursday mornings in the church building, Balerno (9.30-11am) with a taster morning on 2 April. All mums (with kids still at home) welcome, creche spaces available for little ones. Flyers available to invite people. For more info (or offers of creche help and baking) contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org
Parents of children at the Balerno morning service: Recently we have had several injuries and near misses due to children running around in the concourse or other areas around the school. Please help us keep everyone safe by chatting with your children about where it is and isn’t appropriate to run about. Thanks for your cooperation with this, any questions or comments please email david.lyons@stmungos.org
0-18 Team Worship and Prayer Night: 8pm – 9.30pm on Wednesday 29 April. If you serve on one of our 0-18 teams then please plan to join us as we pray, worship and intercede for our children and young people.
St Mungo’s ceilidh – postponed! We have made the decision to postpone the ceilidh to a later date. All those who had bought tickets will automatically get a full refund. For those who had invited friends, please forward our apologies and we hope they will be understanding. We’ll look forward to a fun ceilidh at a future date!
Comfort International – fundraising opportunity – sign up for the kiltwalk this year and 50% extra will be added to the sponsorship money you raise. See www.thekiltwalk.co.uk for more info on dates, locations & length of walk. Simply choose Comfort International and charity reg SC030369 as part of your registration.
Pat Banfill’s retirement – there’s a chance to express thanks or write down a memory of how Pat’s work has impacted you. Cards are available to write on at the end of all the services – please do take the time to complete one!
Communion will not be served in our main services during the coronavirus outbreak.
Family Fun Day 2020 - save the date! Monday 4 May at Malleny Park Balerno – more information will follow soon! (schools are off that day).
Email Notices: you can now sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.
The end of the tax year is less than a month away: a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year.
Funeral for Katy Barker will be at 3pm on Thursday 19 March at Mortonhall Crematorium. Any who knew Katy or want to support Moira and David welcome.