Week beginning 18 December

Click here for the latest news post:  Christmas events and services

Balerno Christmas Carols – Saturday 17 December at 6.30pm in Balerno High School.  Digital invite for Carol services available Here And for Family Christmas Celebration service at 10.30am on Sunday 18 December Here

Livingston Family Christmas Celebration–digital invitation : Here    At 10.30am on Sunday 18 December in St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. 

Live Stream: The Carol Service and Family Christmas celebrations will not be livestreamed, please consider joining us in person.  On 18 December there will be a re-run of a previous carol service shown on our St Mungo’s YouTube for those unable to attend in person.

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection 2022:  We recently launched our Christmas Gift 2022 appeal with Life Center Church in Beirut our recipient to support their outreach ministry.  This project has a strong humanitarian side in the provision of food parcels and other supplies to those who attend.  It’s a significant combination of the priority of evangelism with sacrificial humanitarian aid.  Please do consider supporting Life Center Church via Stewardship: https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022

Date for your 2023 diary:  The St Mungo’s AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 22 January.  More details to follow in early January.

Thank you. We recently said thank you to Andrea Wigglesworth as she stepped down from the preaching team.  St Mungo’s are so grateful to Andrea for what she has brought to the teaching on a Sunday over the last 18 months, for her wisdom and sensitivity to the Spirit.  The congregations in both Balerno and Livingston have been blessed.

Christmas Events – details here!

·        Family Christmas Celebrations – Sunday 18 December at 10.30am in both Balerno and Livingston.  Great all age event to come to and bring guests.  This will not be live streamed.  0-18 groups will not be running in either location. (no evening service). 

·        Watchnight service at 11.30pm on Saturday 24 December in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno   Short traditional communion service.    This will be live streamed to St Mungo’s YouTube. 

·        St Mungo’s Christmas Day service at 11am in Balerno Parish Church.  This is open to all but aimed at adults.  No need to pre book.

·        Mighty Mungos Christmas special premieres at 11am on Christmas Day on YouTube.  Great for families to celebrate and watch together from home.  We are looking forward to having Mighty Mungos back on our screens again, but we need your help! Please send in a Christmas joke and a gratitude attitude to mightymungos@stmungos.org  or WhatsApp it to 07772002651. Thank you 

·        Boxing Day Big Night In –on Monday 26 December in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  A chance for the adults in the church to spend time together. We’ll have the usual wide selection of games, but if you want to just come and chat on the sofas then come along too! We’ll have a few festive snacks but feel free to bring any leftover treats of your own. Doors open at 7:30pm. No need to pre book.  

·        No services on 1 January 2023 in person or online.

·        Sunday 8 January: All services resume:

8:45 communion service in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 service in Balerno High School

10:30 service in St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston

SOCIAL SUNDAY, so no evening service.


·        Friday Night Youth return on Friday 6 January at 7.30pm for a Prayer Stations Night in the Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Band practice on Thursday 5 January at 7.30pm in Church Building Balerno for those involved in worship at January Envision

·        Sunday Morning Youth will return with Envision for both congregations at 10.30am on Sunday 8 January. 

·        Deeper meet for lunch at Church Building Balerno on Sunday 8 January after Envision.  Let Jonny or Lindsay know who is coming.

Primary:   Balerno Primary 1-7 trip to Innoflate on Saturday 14 January – bookings close on 5 January. Contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org to reserve a space. 

Wellness Centre closed through to 9 January. 


Continue to pray for our mission partners and projects as they approach the end of another year, for their work of mission and mercy bringing hope and transformation to those they serve and work alongside.  Pray for continued resources for the coming year and wisdom and strength for those in leadership