Alpha taster evening – Thursday 23 January, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno. Email if you are going to bring a friend, or come along. Free meal so please RSVP by Sunday 19th if possible. Invitations available.
Staff News: we are pleased that, consistent with his recent ordination and position within St Mungo’s, the Vestry has agreed that Ollie will now hold the job title of Associate Rector. Please note there is no change to the specifics of Ollie’s role.
Spirit Café training day (new people or refresher) Sat 25 Jan in Ministry Centre. Email We need people with a variety of gifts such as talking with people, praying, serving, and hearing from God.
Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal has now passed £17,800 - thank you so much for your generosity. We will continue to collect your gifts until the end of January.
Eswatini Mission Trip: we are planning another trip to our mission partners (17-27 Sept). Please contact Derek Thomson if you’d like to participate or find out more.
Balerno Refreshments: Our Sunday morning refreshments overseer team has a gap that needs filled, to allow us to continue to serve filter coffee! This is a 1 in 4 rota; available from 9.45am to support set up and after the service to help with clear up. Training provided. Contact
Love After Marriage course at St Mungo’s, starts with an information evening at the Ministry Centre 7:30 - 9pm on Monday 27 January. Open to any married couples. More information from Paul and Sarah Stanger.
Livingston Men’s Burns Curry Night. Friday 24 January will be a gathering together to eat, chat and encourage each other. More info from Ollie Clegg or Lawrie Hudson.
0-18 Volunteer needed for Little Wonders team (0-2yrs) in Balerno. No previous experience needed. For more info, please contact
Youth Alpha Day: Sun 26 Jan for Balerno Youth at church building to conclude the youth alpha series. Meet in the BHS concourse at 10.30am finishing 4.30pm. Ensure forms are returned, bring or buy a packed lunch, drinks and cake supplied! See Sarah Tomb for sign up flyers or more details.
Magnitude Summer Youth Festival (25 - 30 July): St Mungo’s will take a group to this (formerly Soul Survivor). Return forms for early booking of £111 by 26 Jan (available from More details;
Prayer cell leaders meet at 8pm on Wednesday 29 January in church building.
Lunchtime Bethany Care Van. Needs volunteers to serve homeless on the 2nd Monday month 11am-2:30pm. Details from Emma Galloway
Pray for Pat Price and those who are grieving the recent death of her husband Tam. Funeral will be Monday 27 January at 11am at Mortonhall.
Please pray for our Balerno young people on their youth alpha day on Sunday 26 January; pray that this would be significant, and that they will encounter the Holy Spirit for the first time or afresh; and for our leaders as they run these sessions.