Week beginning 19 June

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Evening service summer speakers.

Transform: Sunday 19 June at St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AW, 7.30pm - 9pm. Transform is a night dedicated to sung praise and worship. It’s an opportunity for the whole church family to gather and lift up the name of Jesus, rejoice, celebrate His Goodness and worship in the splendour of His glory. Worship will be led by Fiona Crow and the St Mungo’s worship band and will feature guest worship leader Daniel Robinson. All welcome. Please do share and invite your friends so we can fill this incredible venue with worshippers.

Here is a link to the promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aU7BEOpfws

Summer service plans – do check out the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays from 3 July. Livingston service will meet as usual but without separate 0-18 groups. We are not able to use Balerno High School so will return to Heriot Watt for short all age services each week. There will be evening services at 6.30pm in our church building with worship and a talk, as well as communion services at 8.45am.

Envision for youth on Sunday 19 June. This will be the last Envision before the summer break. Lindsay is organising transport for our Livi young people. Balerno young people should head straight to Church building, Ladycroft for 10:30am.

Primary Weekend Away: 9-11 September. Bookings open on Eventbrite to everyone in new P5-P7 years at 5pm Sunday 19 June so invite friends!

Youth worship last meeting for this term will be on Thursday 23 June and will then pause for the summer. 7.30-9.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft. (Please bring your instruments.)

Youth Friday Night (24 June) escape room is the final youth event this term. Church Building, Ladycroft 7:30pm (S1 up only as this is a rescheduled event)

The Company of Men (Balerno congregation). We are really looking forward to our Walk in the Pentland on Saturday 25 June. Meet at Threipmuir Reservoir (Red Moss) car park from 1.45pm and setting off at 2.00 pm. The walk should take 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Then it’s back to Craig Hall’s in Balerno for some food and refreshments. There will be a donation box to cover some of the food cost. As parking is limited it may be helpful to car share or get a lift up. There is still space for what promises to be a great afternoon out so please check out the invitations on ChurchSuite. If you are coming for the food it would be helpful to let us know by Wednesday 22 June.

The Company of Men Balerno WhatsApp group If you are interested in keeping up to date with what we are planning as the group goes forward then please send your contact details to companyofmen@stmungos.org and we will add you to the group.

Gold: is now having its Platinum Jubilee Tea Party on Tuesday 28 June at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft. Dressing up permitted but not essential. Please book your place by phoning David Brown on 07470 312612.

Housegroup leaders are meeting socially on Tuesday 28 June at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Do offer to baby sit for leaders where that would be a help.

S6 youth leavers meal will be on Wednesday 29 June in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. Information has been sent to parents that this is applicable to.

Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July. Parents of current P7-S6 please check your email via Church Suite as bookings are now open.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team post summer. The group is for 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Building Committee Feasibility Study: You can read more about the remit of the newly formed building committee here: https://stmungos.org/news/building-committee. Please continue to pray for Derek and the team as they begin meet and carry out preliminary discussions.

Sunday Morning Refreshments in Balerno: Thank you to everyone who signed up to join the Balerno refreshments team. We now have all 20 gaps filled and are very grateful to everyone who volunteered. We look forward to refreshments resuming in Balerno on Sunday 21 August!

Donations required for the Care Van Team: The St Mungo’s Care Van team would welcome donations of men's casual trousers (jeans & joggers), men's casual shoes (trainers or boots), and summer t-shirts. The team serve once a month, giving out tea, coffee, soup, buttered rolls and choccie biccies - and clothing. Please contact Susan Smith directly on treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk. to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on a Sunday. Thank you.

St Mungo’s Ukraine WhatsApp Group: We have set up a WhatsApp group for those who attended the info evening on 2 June, to share possible ways we can support and get involved in the community within Balerno & Currie and West Lothian and support those already serving in these communities. If you are interested in serving and supporting in some way and would like to join this group, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Worship: Fiona shared a playlist of songs as part of her recent talk. It has all the new songs that we've introduced in the last few months for you to use in your personal worship times or in house groups. You can access it here


Thank you letters and gift aid statements: If you would like a letter which includes details of your giving during the 2021-22 tax year and the gift aid we've reclaimed, where relevant, then please e-mail accounts@stmungos.organd we will send your letter in the next couple of weeks.