Building Project Information Evenings: On the evenings of Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 May there will be Building Project information evenings for the next group of house groups. Please do refer back to the ChurchSuite email of 24 April as a reminder of which evening your house group has been allocated to. An email reminder has already been sent out.
Communion & Worship & Soaking: Thursday 23 May 9.30am - 10.30am. A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.
Big Night In. On Friday 24 May, 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre Balerno. Board games, baking and chat for anyone over 18 in St Mungo’s to come along to and bring friends.
Balerno Children’s Gala Day, Saturday 25 May 12-4pm St Mungo’s will be hosting an ‘activity village’ and a quiet space for wee ones and their carers and we need a team to make it all happen. Balerno congregation – thanks to those who have already offered to help but more people are still needed! Check back for an email with more information and a link to sign up to get involved if you can, thank you. For further info or if you have questions contact
Spirit Café. Saturday 25 May at 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno. Drop in event that is great to invite and bring friends to.
Safeguarding: Training: Wednesday 29 May 7.30pm – 9:30pm. The Scottish Episcopal Church requires all those working with vulnerable persons to attend safeguarding training every 2 years. This is training for all those working with vulnerable groups within St Mungo’s. Keep an eye on your emails to book in.
Company of Men. “Dealing with Disappointment, Droughts and Drownings” on Saturday 8 June in the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 9.30am -12.00 noon. We all have times of disappointment in our lives and Richard Taylor will be sharing his thoughts and insights and talking about how we as Christians respond to these times, as he brings in his wisdom and biblical perspective on the subject. There will be personal testimony and also time for a Q&A where Richard is happy to take questions on mental health issues on sadness, depression, anxiety or any other related matter. Invites have gone out via ChurchSuite to all men in the Balerno and Livingston congregations. It will be a significant morning so we hope you can make it. Refreshments provided. Any queries please contact
“This is Alpha” event with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel: St Mungo’s has bought 10 tickets for this day event in Perth on Saturday 8 June. If you are interested in finding out more about Alpha, are keen to get involved, in being part of the Alpha team in the future, or are looking to run Alpha with some of your friends then this will be a brilliant event to get inspiration and receive training. Tickets cost £10 and will be sold on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please email to book your place.
Livingston Steering Group. We are excited to let you know that we now have a group to help us think about Livingston’s specific needs, focusing on outreach and evangelism, as we look to Be Love. Please do be praying for the group as we continue to meet, and speak to Isaac if you have any questions or ideas.
A Certificate in Integrative Counselling with a Christian Perspective is being held in the Ministry Centre, Balerno on Friday 6/Saturday 7 September and Friday 11/Saturday 12 October (10 am- 4pm). This Certificate is a pre-requisite for the next Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian perspective, which starts in September 2025, but it can be done as a stand-alone course as it is useful training for self-development and spiritual growth and if you wish to grow in communication and relational skills. More information can be found on our website here, or at
0-18 notices.
Youth –
· Sunday 19 May: Youth in Service for Pentecost at both locations
· Sunday 19 May: Deeper on at Erasmuson’s after Transform
· Friday 24 May: Encounter Prayer Walk at youth. No sign up required
· Sunday 26 May: Refuel on at church building, Balerno
Primary -
· Sunday 19 May: all 0-18 in family service at both locations.