Week beginning 20 August

New sermon series starting on Sunday 20 August.  As we start this new term our morning theme for the talk series is the Holy Spirit where we will be looking at who is the Holy Spirit, what the Holy Spirit does in the believer’s life and how as a church we can live full of the Holy Spirit and use the gifts of the Spirit both to build up the church and see His Kingdom come.  In our evening services we will be looking at the theme of Love based on 1 Corinthians 13 where Paul was encouraging the church to use their knowledge of Christ and spiritual gifts to spread the love of Christ, but to do so - in love.

Recycle bin for disposable cups. The recycle bin in the morning refreshments area at Balerno has been upgraded. It’s large, green, labelled and with cup shaped holes which are ONLY for our empty recyclable paper cups. If possible please bring your own reusable cup to be filled.

0-18 groups in both locations – all 0-18 groups are restarting on Sunday 20 August. Balerno Youth meet at church building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 10.20am.  Balerno new Primary 1 children: parents should have received an email from Caitlin about arrangements for Adventurers.

Livi kids family BBQ/Picnic: If you or someone in your family is in Livi P1-5 or on the P1-5 Sunday morning team in Livingston, you are invited!  Sunday 20 August after morning church, at Dave and Lyndsey Roberton’s house. Contact the Robertons or Caitlin.Boddy@stmungos.org for more information.

Deeper for older youth is at 7.30pm on Sunday 20 August at the Erasmuson’s, after the evening service

Communion and soaking.  A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.   On Thursday 24 August at 9.30am for about an hour, open to all St Mungo’s family.

Company of Men.  Water of Leith Walk and Pub.  Thursday 24 August walk starts 7.00pm.   We are planning to walk along the Water of Leith pathway to Blinkbonny then back to Balerno via Lymphoy. Should take about 90 minutes, and will then be heading to the Grey Horse around 8.30 pm for a drink. It will be a great chance to catch up with other St Mungo’s men so hope you can make it. Please reply via the Church Suite invitation. Any queries please email companyofmen@stmungos.org

Youth Worship on Thursday 24 August at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladyroft, Balerno. This will be a forum night so don’t bring your instruments.

Friday night youth on 25 August at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. This will be a youth club night.

Livi Congregation Walk: We’d love for you to join us at Beecraigs Country Park on Saturday 26 August (10am at Hillhouse Carpark), for a wander through a wonderful part of creation, to catch-up after a long summer, have a coffee, and maybe even have a scramble around the children’s play park. All members of the Livi congregation are welcome! Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or by clicking here.

Baptism service at Balerno High School on Sunday 3 September at 1pm.  Bring your packed lunch to eat between services, come across from Livingston as we all support those being baptised in the school pool. 

Friday night youth - lots of new S1s are starting so we need more team! Could you volunteer? Please contact Jonny (jonny.slatter@stmungos.org ) to find out more.

Primary camp at Scoughall: please note that bookings are now closed for this event. All details will be emailed out by the end of August.

Balerno hosting teams.  We need more people to join the morning and evening hosting rotas at the Balerno services.  No heavy lifting required – just a welcome smile, and to be there a little early!  It is based on your availability but works out approximately once a month.  To offer and for more information contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

Spirit Café Training Day – Saturday 2  September 10am-4pm This day is for anyone who is interested in joining our Spirit Cafe team in any capacity as we need a wide range of giftings to run an event.  If you have been part of the team before and didn't manage to attend the training in May please do sign up too, email sent out via Church Suite.  More info on what Spirit café is please see our website page  www.stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

Balerno Spirit Cafe. Saturday 2 September 7.30 to 9pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Bring your friends so they can experience how God wants to bless them.

Bethany Christian Trust have released a great 13 minute video celebrating 40 years of the ministry and the different services that are making an impact to so many lives across Scotland.  Please do take the time to watch it here.  

Auditor.  Vestry are pleased to announce the appointment of Thomson Cooper Accountants as our interim auditor, following the retirement of McLachlan + Tiffin in January.


Yemen remains one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world due to conflict and fighting continuing.  Millions of children are lacking access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services, and the country continues to experience regular outbreaks of disease.  Pray for the work of Tearfund and their local partner in Yemen as they reach urban and remote communities to support those struggling.  Pray also for peace and reconciliation in Yemen – the conflict is now in its tenth year.