Week beginning 20 February

World Mission & Giving

Thank you for your continued patience with us as we move into a season of venue decisions for various meetings and services which require discussions and meetings with external bodies which sometimes move at a slower speed than would be desirable.  We will continue to keep Facebook and our Website updated with all the latest news and venue confirmations.

Sunday 20 February traditional communion service at 8.45am in church building, Balerno. 

Services at 10.30am on Sunday 20 February at St Margaret’s Academy Livingston and Heriot Watt University.    A limited 0-18 programme will be running at the services for both congregations.   No youth activities for Balerno congregation due to half term.  

Balerno Services.  We are returning to Balerno High School for our services on Sunday 27 February!  Thank you to everyone who has helped sort and clean all the equipment, boxes and cupboard contents ready for this return.

Balerno Primary on Sundays from 27 Feb will all be in the drama studio at Balerno High School and will need checking in and out.  Climbers (pre school) will be in the café and Little Wonders (2 and under) back upstairs. 

Evening Service:  As yet, no final decision has been made on a venue for our proposed evening service at 6.30pm on Sunday 27 February.  Please keep an eye on our Facebook pages; Website and ChurchSuite emails for updates.

Alpha course in Balerno starts on Thursday 24 February.  This will be in person in the church building, Ladycroft Balerno, with food – think about who you can invite.  To sign up email alpha@stmungos.org.  

Friday Night Youth returns on 25 Feb with all the usual fun at 7:30pm at church building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Ash Wednesday services on Wednesday 2 March. We will be holding a morning and early evening communion service in our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno to mark Ash Wednesday. Timings to be confirmed, please keep an eye on our Facebook pages and Website for updates.  Invites will be issued via ChurchSuite as booking will be required.

St Mungo’s Christmas Collection:  With just over a week to go, we are really delighted that we have raised just over £25,000 which will greatly bless both Challenge Ministries Swaziland and Starfish Asia and their particular projects.  We hope to provide further details on both projects in the coming weeks.  The giving page will remain open until 28 February if you still wish to give:  https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/christmasappeal2021

Heriot Watt Chaplaincy Lecture on Monday 14 March at 7.30pm in person or on zoom.   The Poetry of Music and Science given by Prof Tom McLeish, University of York.  To attend in person book for free by 10 March. please register here on Eventbrite   or for viewing on line  please register here on Eventbrite

Prayers Please pray for David Lyons and the operations team as they continue to prepare and test tech equipment in Balerno High School for our return to morning services.