Week beginning 20 March

Suggestions for how to support Ukraine's Refugees

Sunday 20 March traditional communion service at 8.45am in church building, Balerno.

Services at 10.30am on Sunday 20 March at St Margaret’s Academy Livingston and Heriot Watt University. A full 0-18 programme will be running at the services for both congregations. There are accessible seats and a socially distanced area which do not need pre booking.

Refreshments are currently not being served after our services but do stay to chat.

Evening Worship Night in Balerno Parish Church at 6.30pm on Sunday 20 March. Seats are limited and can be booked via the ChurchSuite email.

Youth & Children’s Worker [Livingston] vacancy: This role is now advertised for someone to join the 0-18 staff team. The closing date for applications is Monday 28 March. Please do share the application pack, which can be found on https://stmungos.org/vacancies, with anyone you know would love to join the 0-18 staff team and work with our children & young people in Livingston.

End of the tax year – a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year. Our bank account details are: St Mungo’s Church, Balerno, sort code 83-19-15 account no. 00266149. Please add your name as a reference!

A new prayer cell 'Creation Care' is starting on Monday 25 April at 6.45am (note early morning) via Zoom. It will focus on the stewardship of creation entrusted to us by God, including love for our unseen global neighbours and justice for those who are most impacted by our acts of commission and omission. For more information, please contact enquiries@stmungos.org or Alison Marshall or Sue McLeod.

Safe Families – this wonderful charity supports vulnerable families across Edinburgh and the Lothians. Existing volunteers from St Mungo’s offer help and support through befriending, hosting a child overnight or by giving resources (DIY skills or any equipment required). If you’d like to find out more, speak to andrea.brewster@stmungos.org; visit https://safefamilies.uk/volunteer/ or join the Information Night, Monday 28 March, 8-8.45pm on Zoom (email scotland@safefamilies.uk or call 0131 603 8430 to receive the link and details)

Church family news:

  • Richard and Sharon Knott (Balerno congregation) have moved to England where Richard has taken up the role of Children and Youth Development Officer with the United Reformed Church, West Midlands Synod. They would appreciate prayers as they seek to find new long-term home and fully settle in the Midlands

  • Gavin & Heather Falconer, (Livingston congregation), have arrived safely in Ecuador; just completed their language training and are now beginning their ministry roles. Please continue to pray for them as they settle in and find their feet. You can read their first newsletter here: https://stmungos.org/mission-giving.

Pioneers is meeting on Sunday 20 March at 10.30am at Naomi’s house. Do pray for this group as they meet to fellowship together every couple of weeks.

Youth worship relaunches on Thursday 24 March. Meet in the Ministry Centre, at 7:30pm for any in S1-S6. Contact fiona.crow@stmungos.org for more information.

Youth Theatre Trip. Bookings for tickets for any in youth to go to see a production of Joseph in October need to be in by 20 March. Contact Lindsay.glover@stmungos.org

Friday Night Youth will be at Church Building, Ladycroft with the usual activities at 7:30pm.

Primary events all on Saturday 2 April, P1-3 'Pentland Adventure' a walk and picnic 12-2. P4-7 'Chips and chat' - an evening stroll ending at the chippie! 6-8pm Parents must register for these events by emailing caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org (and full details of location will be sent in the reply confirmation). Invite handed out in kids groups - friends welcome too!

Congratulations to Tim and Beth Wong (Livingston congregation) on the recent birth of Abel.