Week beginning 20 November

Click here for the latest news post :  Christmas and December events.

Christmas and December events and services are being planned – flyers and invitations are available and do keep an eye on our website for the now updated details including details of our carol services and plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Livingston Christmas Invites – We have lots of festive invites to deliver around Livingston, and we need your help delivering them across your own neighbourhoods, and to friends and family. Where might you be able to deliver? Speak to Isaac in Livi on Sunday to grab some invites and to put your name down to deliver to your neighbourhood.

Balerno Christmas Invites are available today to give to friends, colleagues and family– and there will also bundles available for the streets of Balerno on 27 November.

Christmas Movie social on Sunday 4 December. Join us at the Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 3pm for our Church family Christmas Movie: Arthur Christmas. We’ll provide the space, teas, coffees, juice and the movie and you bring your own snacks. Open to all ages!

Beer and Carols – It is back! Invites available in Balerno today.  Join us on Thursday 15 December for a relaxed Christmas pub singalong. Tickets are limited to 50 due to space and we want to encourage you to come along and invite your friends who might not come to the carol service. Tickets will cost £5 and you’ll be given a token on arrival to swap for your 1st drink. We’ll have hot snacks available and the singalong will be led by Sarah Stevenson and a small band. 

Mighty Mungos – Is back for a Christmas Special! We are pulling together a Christmas Day Mighty Mungos special to be streamed onto YouTube. We’d love for as many people to be involved as possible so please email any Christmas Jokes, or Gratitude Attitudes to: mightymungos@stmungos.org.

Communion will be served at the 10.30 services on Sunday 27 November.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 24 November 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Mission Trip 2023:  We would love to take a St Mungo’s team to Eswatini from 5 to 15 October 2023 to work alongside one of our mission partners, Challenge Ministries Swaziland.  This would be our first mission trip since 2019 and a great opportunity to serve in a very practical way and experience a beautiful country with amazing people.  Approximate cost £1,500.  If you would like to find out more or note your interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.  

Balerno Company of Men Curry Night.  Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm at Rannaghor Restaurant, Currie.  Currently this is full but email Adrian.smith@stmungos.org to be on a waiting list or to cancel.

Livi Ladies Social – 11am on Saturday 10 December.  All the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to a bring and share lunch and social hosted by Marian MacCormack.  For more details, please contact Marian on 07874 321 472.

Staff news.  Graham Wilson has been appointed as full time Operations Coordinator.  https://stmungos.org/news/operations-co-ordinator

Youth.  Deeper is this Sunday 20 November. S4-S6's meet at Transform to attend this event.

Youth Worship Plus is Thursday evening 24 November at 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. Youth should only attend if they're part of the teaching group 3 or in the upcoming Envision band.

Friday Night Youth this week 25 November is a Testimony Night with Alan MacDonald. 7:30pm at Church Building,  Ladycroft Balerno.

S1-S6 weekend away: Spaces are completely full for this. A waiting list will open up in the next week for anyone who didn't manage to book in time.

Balerno Adventurers and Xplorers: Term cards for the new year are now available. Please pick one up today! The information has already been sent on the WhatsApp group. If you’re not part of that and would like to be please email Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org