Update on services
Mighty Mungos continues! Join us at 10am on Sundays for 20 minutes designed for primary aged children and their families, some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to any age!
In person morning church services restart at 10.30am on Sunday 22 August (for Balerno) at Heriot Watt, and 29 August (for Livingston). We will use a QR code to comply with Test and Protect so pre-booking is not required, however accessible and socially distanced seats can be pre-booked via the ChurchSuite email. Please arrive between 10 and 10.15 in order to allow the auditorium to fill safely, young people to be dropped off at groups and everyone to check in. Do look out for emails with more details, and on the church website and facebook community.
0-18 Sunday mornings – Pre-school, Primary and Youth groups will all run during the live services. You will be able to drop off and register your young person from 10.15.
Balerno Youth Sunday Morning Groups: On Sunday 29 August, Balerno Youth will have their small groups over Zoom, whilst the Livingston Sunday morning service is happening. The session will begin at 10.50am until 11.45am. Zoom code will be emailed during the week.
Friday Night Youth will meet on 27 August, 7.30 - 8.30pm at the Wellness Centre Garden, 4 Bridge Road, Balerno for S1-S6. Pre-booking no longer required. These evenings will continue to run outdoor and this is a Chippy Walk. Please ask your young person to bring money for chips; waterproof jacket and outdoor shoes. In the event of bad weather on the day, the team will make a call at 4pm to revert indoors, an email will be sent re change of plans. More details will be posted on the Youth Instagram and Community Facebook page during the week.
MidWeek Live has returned – 8.30am Wednesdays and available afterwards on YouTube and Facebook Community.
St Mungo’s Ministry Centre Staff are now returning to work in the office one day per week for the next few weeks, as they gradually resume working together in one building. For the rest of their time, they will continue to work from home. We will look to increase the staff presence in the office from mid-October onwards. Do continue to contact staff via the usual means.
Temporary Balerno Youth email: Whilst Tara & Adrian Devlin; Gill Menzies & Kirsten Thomson cover Balerno Youth for the next 3 months, please email youth@stmungos.org if you have any questions or need further information.
Appointment of new Balerno Youth Worker: For the latest news on this, go to https://stmungos.org/news/staff-recruitment-update-july-agmgc
St Mungo’s Notices are available on the website and we will soon start sending them directly to everyone on our ChurchSuite email distribution list.
St Mungo’s Episcopal Church: Balerno (known as St Mungo’s) is a Scottish Charity, SC018114, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).