Week beginning 23 August

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.   

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Prayer ministry will be available after the service on 23 August, zoom code has been sent to the congregation by email. 

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week. 

Postcard invites.  We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured.  If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.  

Housegroup leaders meeting by zoom at 8pm on Wednesday 26 August.  Rsvp please to Kate.yates@stmungos.org

Beirut Explosion: we have donated £1,000 to Pastor Said at the Life Centre Church in Beirut. The church suffered extensive damage in the recent blast. Pastor Said visited St Mungo’s last year and has connections within our congregation.

Balerno Youth: Sunday 23rd and 30th  Aug zoom time 4pm-5pm using same zoom link.  From Sunday 6th September our zoom time will change to 11am - 12noon, again using the usual zoom link.  More details from sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.

Livi Youth:  Will continue to meet weekly on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm via zoom.  Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content:  We have our own Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) so check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry.  For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.  

Prayers: ​Please continue to pray for our young people as they go back to school and adjust to new patterns. Pray for peace and confidence for those who find school and change tricky.  

Read a thank-you message from Open Doors here