Watch a short video from Dave Lyons, showing what to expect at our services at Heriot Watt on 30 May, here!
Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for 20 minutes designed for primary aged children and their families, some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to any age!
Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to
Prayer Ministry is available after the service on 23 May. Zoom link to access sent to church by email.
Heriot Watt Services: 5.30pm and 6.30pm on Sunday 30 May @ Heriot Watt University. There will be 55 tickets available for each service so look out for the booking email. There will be no 0-18 services running alongside these services. One of these services will be live streamed on St Mungo’s facebook community and YouTube. See link above for short video showing you what to expect.
Connections evening, 7.45 for 8pm Thursday 27 May on Zoom. We are looking forward to hearing from another two of our mission partners – Challenge Ministries Swaziland and Starfish Asia – with lots of encouraging stories about how God is at work in different parts of the world. We’ll also have break out rooms for some social chat at the end of the evening. Please sign up in advance to receive the Zoom invitation (details in the email sent to church members last week) or contact if you have any questions.
St Mungo’s has given £5,000 to Operation Mobilisation’s covid response in North India, where they are supporting a new ministry in the majority Muslim community with food parcels and practical support where lockdown means that day workers have no money and are unable to feed their families.
Balerno Youth, Friday 28 May: Will be going to Combat Laser Tag from 7pm to 8.30pm, Cost: £14 to be paid on the night. There are a maximum of 24 places and sign up is via ChurchSuite. A Disclaimer form, also sent via ChurchSuite, must be completed and brought on the night – no form, no play. Parents should have received an email from Sarah on Friday. For more info, contact
Livingston Youth Outside Face to Face event - Sunday 23 May 5.45-7pm- Wellness Centre Garden, Balerno - further details in ChurchSuite e-mail. For further information contact
Livingston Youth - Combat Laser Tag - Saturday 29 May, 4.30-6.30pm Newbridge. Further details in ChurchSuite e-mail. For further information contact
Livingston Primary - have you put Sunday 30 May in your diary for Riverside Park?
Livingston P6/7 and Balerno P7 - BBQ on Sunday 20 June at 3.30pm save the date!
Balerno Primary events planned for June - bookings opened on Thursday 20 May.
St Mungo’s online. Keep up to date at