Week beginning 24 November

Carol Services: Christmas card invites are available for our Livingston and Balerno carol services. Please take a bundle, pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc.   There are invitations available for all the 0-18 events as well.  Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

The Very Unexpected Christmas Present: A free event for families with under 5’s. Sunday 8 Dec, 10.30am Balerno High School. Invites available.

Christmas Services – see stmungos.org/christmas for full listing. Also note we have no Balerno 1030 or 630 services on 8 December and no Livingston 1030 or Balerno 630 services on 15 December due to our Carol Services. There will be no services on Sunday 29 December.

Beer and Carols event is already full – please pray for this event happening on Thursday 12 December.

Spirit Café Balerno in Ministry Centre on Saturday 30 November 7.30-9.30pm.  Flyers available to invite friends.  Next café is 25 January 2020 (none in December)

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 14 December, 9am-1pm.  If you enjoy meeting people please consider signing up. Many regulars are unavailable this time so we need help! There are great opportunities this market – help with uplift of Bethany Caring Christmas Trees (contact Emma Galloway); running kids crafts (andrea.brewster@stmungos.org) and chatting with people at our Nativity boards (ollie.clegg@stmungos.org)

Caring Christmas Trees: now available to order from caringchristmastrees.com.  This supports Bethany’s work with homeless people.  Trees can be collected from a number of locations and dates including Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 14 December 9-1pm. Order deadline is noon on Monday 9 December.

Tearfund Big Quiz: We joined with 25,000 people across the country and we raised £465 for Tearfund. Thanks to all who took part, next date is Sat 14 November 2020!

Open House / Gather:  for any S1-S6 from 4pm to 6pm next Sunday at Ministry  Centre where we’ll provide hot dogs and snacks.  Then all go to the Gather event!

Youth Lendrick Muir 2020: 7-10 Feb -booking forms are available see info stands,  youth events or youth website (www.stmungosyouth.com).

Prayer for the persecuted church - Tuesday 26 Nov, 7- 9pm in Ministry Centre, to join a ‘global wave of prayer’ for our persecuted family. RSVP Teresa Martin

Missing Giving: thanks to your generosity, we are once again able to contribute £10,000 to the Bethany Christian Trust Winter Care Shelter and £5,000 to Starfish Asia, enabling quality education for Christian children in Pakistan.

Staff News: Lesley Penny’s ordination training continues in the form of a placement at St Cuthbert’s, Colinton, from today until Easter. Lesley will be there most Sunday mornings.  Please remember her in your prayers as she continues on this process.

Please pray for Rachel Cummings and Timothy Pons who are getting married on Saturday (30 November) at Balerno Parish Church.