Week beginning 26 February

Click here for the latest news post:  Youth weekend feedback

NHS Workers refresh evening.  A time for any members of the congregation working in the NHS to meet together for worship, prayer ministry and to hear a short encouraging word from Ollie.  7.45pm at Church building on Tuesday 28 February.  No need to book. (We are planning to run similar re:fresh nights through the year for other groups of people).

Men’s events –All men in both congregations are invited to hear Richard Taylor speak on the subject of men’s mental health.  Richard is a member of the Balerno congregation and a local  NHS consultant psychiatrist who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject.  It will be a breakfast (9.30am-noon) on Saturday 4 March in Ministry Centre, Balerno – limited spaces so book a place via the ChurchSuite invite, or companyofmen@stmungos.org  

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 5 March 12.30pm to 2.30pm]:  We will be hosting a welcome lunch at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo's either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person.  This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision.  If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more details. 

Big Night In: All adults are welcome to join us at the Ministry Centre from 7:30pm on Friday 10 March for an evening of games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out together. 

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno- invitations have been sent out by ChurchSuite.  Contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org if you need more information.   

Dedication services are being planned for Sunday 14 May in the morning services at both Balerno and Livingston.  Please email enquiries@stmungos.org if you would be interested in dedicating your child on that date or in the future.  

Christmas Gift Collection closing:  We will close the giving page for the Christmas Gift Collection for Life Center Church on 28 February so that we can release the money to them via Hayat Ministries [their UK partner].  The amount raised has now reached £24,334.35 which is a significant amount over our original target of £20,000.  We are so grateful to the Church’s generosity in this season to support the gospel being shared in Beirut, bringing the love of Jesus to many through practical and spiritual ways and Life Center Church living out the Great Commission.


·        On Sunday 26 February Balerno youth are not in the service, all meet at church building at 10.30am.  Livi youth are in for the first part of the service. 

·        Thursday 2 March youth worship open to all S1-S6.  Church building at 7.30pm

·        Friday Night Youth night on 3 March at 7.30- 9.30pm.  Friday 10 March is Youth Encounter night 7-10pm, both in Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Magnitude bookings will open at 7pm on Monday 27 February, places are limited so book fast.  See email from Jonny for ChurchSuite booking details.

Primary Xpl/Adv Events, Saturday 11 March – see email or flyer for details, contact


Please continue to pray for the situation in Turkey and Syria after the devastation of recent earthquakes and continuous aftershocks which have heightened fear and trauma in the region.  Pray for other areas in the region where there are faults on which stress has increased from these massive earthquakes.  This remains a massive crisis and lack of clean water and electricity continues to cause difficulties.  Pray for those in Syria where rescue efforts have not been adequate and pray for those who are living out in the streets under tents as they seek to rebuild their lives.