Week beginning 29 May

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Pioneers meet in Balerno High School at 10.30. 

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 2 June 9.30am - 10.30am A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking. Open to all.


Ukraine Info Evening:  As we see the Ukrainian situation continue to worsen, on Thursday 2 June we are hosting an evening at the Ministry Centre from 8pm to 9.30pm for those in St Mungo’s who are interested, or are already helping Ukrainian refugees in Scotland.  Our desire in facilitating this evening is to provide an opportunity for people to come together so they can hear what is already happening and to work out a way forward for how the group can respond.  Please do join us if you can.  Any questions ask Wendy.brown@stmungos.org


Livingston Congregation Walk – Saturday 4 June.  A 3-4 hour walk within easy reach of Livingston, with coffee and picnic stops along the way.  If you enjoy walking and would like to join us, please e-mail Katherine.burnett@stmungos.org. 


Safe Families – this wonderful charity supports vulnerable families across Edinburgh and the Lothians through activities like befriending, hosting a child overnight or providing resources. There’s another opportunity to find out what volunteering with Safe Families looks like on Monday 30 May (8.00-8.45pm on Zoom). To find out more, speak to andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or contact Safe Families directly via

https://safefamilies.uk/volunteer/ , scotland@safefamilies.uk or call 0131 603 8430.  


Evening Worship and Prayer Service:  Sunday 12 June at 6.30pm at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  We will also be praying for one of our mission partners.


Gold: The next Gold Meeting will take the form of a Platinum Jubilee Tea Party on 14 June 2022 at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft. Dressing up permitted but not essential.  Please book your place for this once in a lifetime event by phoning David Brown on 07470 312612.


The Company of Men: Our next event is ‘A Walk In The Pentlands’ on Sat 25 June. If you are free to join us, please check out the invitations on ChurchSuite (for Balerno congregation).  Look forward to seeing you then.


The Company of Men, St Mungos Balerno:  If you are interested in joining our new WhatsApp group can you send your contact details to companyofmen@stmungos.org.  We’ll be in touch.


Transform: Sunday 19 June at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh 7.30pm - 9pm.  Transform is a night dedicated to sung praise and worship. It’s an opportunity for the whole church family to gather and lift up the name of Jesus, rejoice, celebrate His Goodness and worship in the splendour of His glory.  Worship will be led by Fiona Crow and the St Mungo’s worship band and will feature guest worship leader Daniel Robinson.   All welcome. Please do share and invite your friends so we can fill this incredible venue with worshippers.


Spring Harvest 2023!  Would you like to join other St Mungo’s families at Spring Harvest in Skegness next year - dates are 10-14 April. For more info check out

https://www.springharvest.org/events/.   If your family would like to be part of a group booking please email caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.


Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July.  Parents of current P7-S6 please check your email via Church Suite as bookings are now open.    


Magnitude: We need help with either being an on-site leader with the youth for the week at Lendrick Muir; assisting with set up and take down on the Saturday (23 July) or Wednesday (27 July - or both!) or by providing a one pot evening meal for 30 people. Please contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org or Lindsay Glover if you can assist.


Kids Weekend Away: Parents of current P4-P6 please save the dates of 9-11 September 2022. Booking details will be issued soon.


Balerno P7: BBQ and visit to Friday night youth: Friday 10 June rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org


Balerno P3-P6 BBQ and Garden Games - bring a friend! 4pm Saturday 11 June (invites and details available in groups and rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org)


Baptisms and Dedications:  Next term we will are planning to have a baptismal service.  If you would like to be baptised, please email enquiries@stmungos.org and we will be in touch.  If you are part of the St Mungo’s church family and you would like your child dedicated, then please email enquiries@stmungos.org to let us know and we will be in touch. 


Donations to Emergency Appeals:  Last week we sent £8,000 to the following emergency appeals, with each receiving £2,000 from our emergency fund – 1. OM's Ukraine Appeal; 2. Tearfund's Afghanistan Crisis Appeal; 3. Tearfund's Ethiopia Crisis Appeal and 4. SU's Holiday Sponsorship Appeal.  If you'd like to know more about each of the appeals or to give independently, do click on each of the mission partner names within this notice to view their websites.



On Monday 16 May Lorraine Duncan died peacefully at home.  Please be praying for Keith and the family at this time.  Lorraine’s funeral will be on Thursday 2 June at Currie Kirk at 10am.  All are welcome.