Week Beginning 30 June

Road works in Balerno: significant road works are happening over the summer, including the closure of Bavelaw Green. Please use alternative routes, plan additional time to get to events or walk where possible, as parking may be affected.

Balerno Spirit Café: is taking a break in July but will return on 31 August.

The Wellness Centre needs a volunteer receptionist for Monday evening rota from August – 6pm-9pm, term time only, approx. 1 in 3 weeks. More info contact  siobhan.short@stmungos.org

The Wellness Centre is now closed until 12 August.

Families of Adventurers children (just finished P1-3) on Sunday 21 July @1pm –are invited to bring a picnic to Balerno playpark (beside Deanpark Primary School).  Some of the children have asked if they can do a local litter pick so we will have litter picking equipment with us too!  Contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Balerno youth is running for 3 Sundays (14, 28 July and 11 August) during the holiday period.  On those mornings go to the Ministry Centre (46B Bavelaw Road) doors open from 10.20am for a morning of catch up, chat and chill.  For all P7 (those starting S1) – S6s (including those finishing S6).  Please keep an eye on the youth website for all the latest info over the summer: www.stmungosyouth.com.


Give thanks for our amazing primary and secondary 0-18 teams who are now having a well-deserved break over the summer.

Pray for everyone involved in Christian summer events – SU camps, holiday clubs, summer conferences, short term mission overseas etc.