Week beginning 5 April

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Midweek Word Live: Ollie’s midweek message is now up and running  on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/

Join in live at 0830 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording afterwards. The community page is open to all in the church family and growing as a hub for seeing and participating in church life.

Good Friday reflection – details to follow.

Email Notices: you can now sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.  

Prayer Cells: perhaps our current situation means you now have time to join one of our prayer cells (meeting virtually) eg the Thursday early morning prayer cell (presently starts at 8am) led by Derek derek.thomson@stmungos.org. Check out the list of other prayer cells too (https://stmungos.org/prayer-cells) and contact the leader for details and to join – or if not known then kate.yates@stmungos.org

Welcome Back: to Liam Packwood, and Adrian and Tara Devlin, from mission work overseas. Please pray for them as they adjust to our current circumstances. 

Congratulations to Jordan and Sharon Balfour on the birth of Oliver James on 12 March.

Featured News: Read the latest update from David Lyons on the 0-18 ministry