Week beginning 5 February

Click here for the latest news post: Prayer points Youth weekend

Baptism service for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be at 1pm at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

AGM results:  The results from the nominations at the AGM on Sunday 22 January can be found here or via the ChurchSuite email sent on Monday 23 January. 

Alpha: We have decided to pause running the Alpha course this term. If you or anyone you know is interested in Alpha then please email David.lyons@stmungos.org.

Heriot Watt University Chaplaincy Lecture.  Monday 6 February at 7pm.  From Peru to Mars: New Worlds and Jesuit Science, a whistle-stop tour of science through the ages.   Speaker is Brother Guy Consolmango SJ, often called “the Pope’s Astronomer”.  This is free and open to all, but please register here on Eventbrite

Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 11 February.  St Mungo’s provides a stall with children’s crafts available and a chance to connect. 

Gold:  St Mungo’s group for those over 60 meets at 2pm on Tuesday 14 February at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  As the meeting will be on Valentine’s Day we encourage everyone to bring a short poem to share.  More information from gold@stmungos.org, or direct from David and Marjorie Brown. 

Men’s events

·        Company of Men for Balerno men are going out for a Chinese meal at the Imperial Palace in Longstone at 7.30pm on Friday 17 February – limited spaces so book in via ChurchSuite invite or through Adrian.smith@stmungos.org.

·        Livi Men Italian Pasta Night at 7.30pm on Friday 17 February at Andi Tooth’s house.  Love Pasta?  Then this event is for you! Have friends that love pasta? Yes then this is for them too. Join us as we relax and spend time together in a low-key setting. For more details sign-up via the ChurchSuite email livimen@stmungos.org. (Next meeting: evening of Friday 28 April).

·        All men in both congregations are invited to hear Richard Taylor speak on the subject of men’s mental health.  Richard is a member of the Balerno congregation and a local  NHS consultant psychiatrist who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject.  It will be a breakfast (9.30am-noon) on Saturday 4 March in Ministry Centre, Balerno – limited spaces so book a place via the ChurchSuite invite, or Adrian.smith@stmungos.org .

Pioneers meet at Balerno High School on Sunday 5 February.

Worship and Tech Team Weekend- The Worship and Tech Team will be gathering for training and fellowship beginning with a meal on Friday 24 February and then a day of workshops on Saturday 25 Feb. Workshops will include training on new equipment, digital desks and software we have recently installed for live services. If you are a member of either of those teams you’ll receive an email with programme and sign up details soon. Some of the training will be open to those perhaps interested in learning more about serving in our live services. To find out more please email  tech@stmungos.org

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Balerno- more information to follow, but save the date ladies! 

Livi Ladies – all the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to an “Envisioning with God” evening on Saturday 25 February (7.30-9.30pm), where there will be guidance, space and resources to help each person to hear from God for the current and next season of life.  For more information or to RSVP, please contact liviladies@stmungos.org

Certificate in counselling course: There will be a Certificate in Counselling course in Edinburgh on 10-11 March and 14-15 April. This Certificate in counselling is required if you want to do the Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian Perspective which starts in September this year here in Balerno. Spaces on the diploma are already filling up! The Certificate is a worthwhile course to do even just by itself for personal and spiritual development and to help you be a better listener. More information about this course can be found here: http://www.vitalconnexions.org

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 24 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and will be available to buy online from 7pm on Monday 6 February. Details will be sent out in a ChurchSuite email.

Ceilidh – can you help? Andrea is forming a team to make it all happen. Looking for helpers on Friday 24 March in the afternoon (moving tables & chairs and decorating the concourse); hosts for during the event and help to take down and tidy up. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org


·        Sunday 5 February– it will be Envision for all youth at 10.30am in Church Building, Balerno – Livi youth check message about transport.

·        All youth and leaders are invited to the church building, Balerno after the baptism service to celebrate with the youth who have been baptised,  Approx 2.45 to 4pm.

·        Friday 10 February, youth away for weekend.  For those not getting transported by family then the coach will be leaving the Ministry Centre at 5pm on Friday 10 Feb. Make sure you’re not late! Please be praying for all the youth and team as they are away for the weekend (see newspost for specific prayer points)

·        On Sunday 12 February any youth not away are in the main service with their families.

·        Friday Night Youth is now on break and will return on 24 Feb with a testimony night.

Primary.  Social events for P1-3/P4-5/P6-7 groups on Saturday 11 February. Please note the sleepover option is girls only! Contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Funeral for Gwen Harris (Balerno Congregation) at 12.30pm on Thursday 9 February at Warriston Crematorium.   All welcome.


Pray for those being baptised on Sunday; 5 youth, and an adult from the Livingston congregation.