week beginning 5 May

8:45 Brunch on Sunday 5 May after the early service in the church building for those who usually attend that service. 

A reminder to the Balerno congregation that our high school let ends at 1pm. Please bless the setup and tech teams by aiming to leave the concourse smartly by 12:45pm so that they can complete the moving of chairs, tables and tech kit safely and promptly. Feel free to continue your conversations in the Scottish sunshine outside the building!

Building Project Information Evenings:  On the evenings of Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 May [and every Tuesday and Wednesday house group week for the next few weeks], there will be Building Project information evenings for all in house groups.  Please do refer back to the ChurchSuite email of 24 April as a reminder of which evening your house group has been allocated to.  There will be an email reminder sent out in advance of each evening.

Balerno Children’s Gala Day, Saturday 25 May 12-4pm St Mungo’s will be hosting an ‘activity village’ and a quiet space for wee ones and their carers and we need a team to make it all happen. Balerno congregation – please look out for an email with more information and how you could sign up to get involved.  For further info or if you have questions contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 11 May 9am-1pm As always St Mungo’s will have a stall with craft bags, church flyers and lots of opportunity to chat with those at the market. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org  if you are interested in getting involved, and please do pray for the event as we seek to Be Love to the local community.

Abide on Tuesday 14 May at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno

Mission Giving Update:  St Mungo's has given 2 donations from the World Mission Fund as follows:

·        £1,768.44 to Medical Aid for Palestinians for humanitarian support of the people in Gaza.  This donation has gone towards iPads to enable handheld ultrasound scanners to operate via an app.  

·        £1,000 to Comfort International towards the Emergency Appeal for the dire situation in DRC due to conflict, with many people displaced.  This donation will go towards helping provide food for 2,300 children.

“This is Alpha” event with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel: St Mungo’s has bought 10 tickets for this day event in Perth on Saturday 8 June. If you are interested in finding out more about Alpha, are keen to get involved, in being part of the Alpha team in the future, or are looking to run Alpha with some of your friends then this will be a brilliant event to get inspiration and receive training. Tickets cost £10 and will be sold on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please email tara.devlin@stmungos.org to book your place.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·       Friday 3-Sunday 5 May.  S1-3 Weekend Away. (No other Balerno youth activities). All other youth will be in the service on Sunday.

·       Sunday 5 May – Livi Youth at St.Margaret’s

·       Friday 10 May – Friday Night youth – youth club night in Church Building, Balerno.

·       Sunday 12 May – Refuel for Balerno youth at church building, and Livi youth at St. Margaret’s.  Deeper are on serving teams.

Primary  -

·        Sunday 5 May – all primary aged children and their families are invited to go to Juniper Green park with a picnic after church. Please note that parents are responsible for their children at this event.

Congratulations to Rod and Brodie Petrie (Balerno congregation) on the recent birth of Eleanor Isobel.