Week beginning 8 December

Carol Services: Christmas card invites are available for our Livingston carol service. Please take them, pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc.   There are invitations for all the 0-18 events as well.  Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

Christmas Services: see here for full listing. Please note there is no Livingston 1030 or Balerno 630 service on 15 December due to our Carol Services. There will be no services on Sunday 29 December.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 14 December, 9am-1pm. We need your help with  a range of activities - uplift of Bethany Caring Christmas Trees (see Emma Galloway); running kids crafts (andrea.brewster@stmungos.org) and chatting with people at our Nativity boards (ollie.clegg@stmungos.org).

Caring Christmas Trees: available from caringchristmastrees.com.  This supports Bethany’s work with homeless people.  Trees can be collected from a number of locations/dates including Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 14 December 9-1pm. Order deadline is noon on Monday 9 December.

Gold Christmas Lunch: Reminder for those with tickets that this takes place on Tuesday 10 December at church building from 1.15 until 4pm.

Bethany Care Shelter: thanks to your generosity, our gift of £10,000 will provide an entire week’s worth of shelter provision for 60 homeless men and women this winter. Thanks also to all who are volunteering at the Shelter and on the Care Van, including on Christmas Day.   

Eswatini Mission Trip: We are returning to our friends in Southern Africa between the 17-27  September 2020. This trip is perfect if you’ve never experienced a mission trip. Find out more by speaking to Derek Thomson.

Livingston 0-18 on Sunday 22 December:  Reminder that there will not be a group for primary age children. Youth will be in the service.


Please pray for the carol events happening in Balerno later today (Sun 8 December), and for the preparations for the carols in Livingston on 15 December.

Pray for the (sold out!) Beer and Carols event happening in Balerno on Thursday 12 December.