week beginning 28 January

Week beginning 28 January

Click here for the latest news post: AGM update


Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. Alpha is going to be starting at 8pm on Tuesday 30 January and run on Tuesday evenings in Livingston, and will start at 8pm on Thursday 1 February and run on Thursday evenings in Balerno. People are welcome at either course regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: www.stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

Bakers needed! Alpha will be starting soon in Balerno and Livingston and we would like to provide delicious desserts for those attending. If you would like to be on the rota for baking something tasty (for either location) then please email Tara - tara.devlin@stmungos.org

Spirit Café: in Balerno on Saturday 27 January. Starting a New Year is often a time when people ask questions and reflect on their life and it is an easy time to invite others along to Spirit Café to come and encounter God’s love for them. We will be advertising this across Edinburgh and West Lothian and have found that people are willing to travel for it, so be praying and asking who you could invite to come along.

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection:  We are incredibly thankful for the church's generosity towards SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre.  Having raised nearly £25,000, the centre manager has expressed his gratitude for our support.  We will keep the giving page open until Sunday 11 February, if you would still like to contribute to SU Scotland's appeal: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Balerno New Home Packs: Before Christmas we delivered a new home pack and a Luke’s gospel to every house on the 2 new Cala estates in Balerno as a way of letting them know that St Mungo’s exists and some of the ways in which we are Being Love in Balerno and what services and events we run. The pack consists of 5 postcards, bundled in gold string and make a lovely gift as well as giving out the information. If you have anyone who has moved into your street recently or have someone move in the future, then please do grab a pack and deliver it to them. It might be nice to accompany it with a note from you to introduce yourself! You can collect these packs from the notice board in Balerno High School.

Staff News:  We are delighted to announce the appointment of Toni Wigglesworth to the role of Wellness Centre Clinical Manager.  Toni will join the Wellness Centre team on 1 February and we are looking forward to welcoming her onto the staff team.

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture at 7pm on Monday, 5 February. John Wyatt, an Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at UCL, will give this year's lecture. He has a longstanding interest in ethical and philosophical dilemmas raised by advances in biomedical medical and digital technologies and is a well-known speaker, writer and blogger.  His theme, Transhumanism, explores the startling possibilities of enhancement technology and asks what these advances mean for human flourishing.  The lecture is free and open to the public to attend, please register here on Eventbrite:  http://bit.ly/3RbYPwZ

Life Seasons (St Mungo’s women’s group) will be doing a walk around the reservoir (weather permitting) at 2pm on Saturday 17 February. No need to book in, simply meet at the Harlaw car park. If anyone needs a lift to get there please email lifeseasons@stmungos.org  

Amy Orr-Ewing will be with us on 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre, and a joint congregations service on Sunday 3 March also at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but save the date.

Baptism service.   We are planning a service in Balerno on the afternoon of Sunday 10 March.  If you have not already been baptised and would be interested in being included please email enquiries@stmungos.org

0-18 notices.

·        Sunday 28 Jan – Balerno Youth at Refuel in Church Building, Balerno.  Livi youth in service for Vision Sunday.

·        Sunday 28 Jan – youth worship rehearsal (invite only) at 12.30pm at Ministry Centre

·       Friday 2 February. There is a Magnitude Worship event at Ps & Gs which youth can attend. (There will be no St. Mungo’s leaders present.)

·        Friday 2 to 4 February – S4-S6 weekend away.  (Therefore no youth on Fri 2 Feb)

·       Sunday 4 Feb.  Balerno youth in service, Livi youth meet as usual.


Pray for the housegroup leaders as they meet together on Wednesday 31 January. Pray for them as they are refreshed and inspired with the vision for the year ahead.

Pray for the youth weekend happening for S4 to S6 on weekend of 2 to 4 February.  Pray for good God encounters for the youth and the team supporting them.