0-18 Prayer Update

A few weeks ago over 40 members of the 0-18 team met on Zoom for an hour of prayer and worship, with the specific desire to pray God’s protection and blessing over all the young people within St Mungo’s Church. We used breakout rooms to share any words and pictures that would help guide our intercession. 

 As many as many encouraging words and pictures, here are 4 key themes that came out of that night of prayer. On behalf of the 150 volunteers and the staff team, I would like to invite you to join us as we continue to pray for our Children and Young People:

  • That they would grasp a big view of God in this season; a heavenly perspective. They would see that God is so much bigger than Covid_19 and that He is not shaken or surprised by it. 

  • A picture of steeples across the city representing the incredible legacy that St Mungo’s Children and Youth ministry has had across the nation and country. Giving God thanks for his favour and provision over the years and pressing in for more in the future. 

  • That as our Children and Young People are forced to slow down, that God would use this time to strip away and shake off the false beliefs and thought patterns that society has spoken over them and they would realise their identity, value and significance in Christ. 

  • That this would be a season where Young people would capture a heart for worship. That they would begin to understand and see that in worship we are refreshed and recharged. 

 Thank you so much.            David Lyons