Being a Street Guardian

St Mungo’s has intentionally avoided initiating any special community support initiatives during the Coronavirus for the simple reason that there are already many great programmes “on the go”, and we saw no advantage in duplicating effort, or worse, competing with these for your time and attention.

Some of these initiatives are related to the current crisis e.g. Balerno Cares. Others are long-standing relationships and commitments like the work we do with the Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Food Bank or the Bethany Care Shelter and Care Van.

It’s been so encouraging to hear of how many of you have got involved, or remained involved, in these and other initiatives in Balerno, Livingston and elsewhere in Edinburgh and Midlothian. Thank you for all you are doing.

Although it’s harder in Livingston and West Lothian due to size, we are also in frequent contact with Balerno Community Council.

Having said all that, you don’t need to sign up to any organised initiative to be a Street Guardian. 

Malcolm’s vision for this role was, and is, simple: that we would prayerfully watch out for those around us, caring and helping those in most need, practically and spiritually – and we really just want to take this opportunity to thank you and cheer you on.