Bethany Caring Christmas Trees

Bethany Christian Trust sell good quality Christmas trees to raise money to support their work with the homeless in Edinburgh.  

Trees are available to order from – and cost from £35 and can be collected this year from various locations in Edinburgh : Asda Chesser; Balerno Farmers Market; Cameron Toll; Ocean Terminal; Portobello St Marks; St Peter’s Musselburgh; St Stephen’s Comely Bank.  They will also deliver – full details on the website.   This year stock is limited so order early! 

Caring Christmas Trees have once again agreed to distribute these lovely Caring Christmas Trees in Balerno Main Street on Saturday 12th December.  This is alongside the Balerno Farmers Market.  Volunteers are needed to help with this – all done safely with appropriate distances, face masks. hand sanitizer etc.   Hopefully this will be in the annexe area near Balerno library to give more room.  

We appreciate not everyone will be able to help, but if you're happy to do so can you let Emma Galloway ( know what shift you'd like to do:-    

Balerno Saturday 12 December

·       Set-up team 7am-9am to help with setting up the trees (bacon roll provided as a wee incentive)

·       Early Shift 8:45-11:00  (this was the busiest last year)

·       Late Shift 10:45-13:00

It is great fun to be on the team so why not offer to help – and enjoy pushing the fat trees through the funnel!  As usual everyone will be well fed and watered.   Let Emma know if you can help!

Emma Galloway