Bethany Christian Trust Update

Under government guidance and following best practices, Bethany Christian Trust is still operating and helping to reach people throughout Scotland. This crisis can hit homeless people the hardest; it’s hard to self-isolate when you have no home to call your own. Access to local community, food provision and healthcare also become significantly more difficult during the pandemic. Bethany    are currently increasing their emergency food provision to vulnerable and homeless people, developing plans to support vulnerable clients in hospitals and seeking to secure emergency accommodation for people they support.

Please pray for Bethany. The hope is that they will continue to demonstrate the love of God throughout this season and that what the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good.  Do also pray for those members of St Mungo’s who work for them. 

The Edinburgh care van and care shelter are still functioning and the St Mungo’s teams are always in need of new volunteers.  Do pray for the team from St Mungo’s taking the lunchtime care van out on Monday 13 April – if you would like to be involved in this contact Emma Galloway.  The overnight care shelter is quieter at the moment but still functioning – for more information on this contact Liz Snedden.

As a charity, Bethany are determined to respond to this crisis with faith and diligence, serving the people in Scotland who are most at need.   St Mungo’s continues to support them financially. 

 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.