News from Liam Packwood

St Mungo’s financially supported Liam as he volunteered on the OM ship until recently.  He expresses his appreciation here:

Hey St Mungo's community, 

I wanted to say a massive thank you for being behind me and supporting my time onboard the Logos Hope. My experience was very enlightening as I was made aware of the extent, and need for the gospel to be shared in the part of the world referred to as the 'least reached'. This area of the world is home to over 3 billion people almost all of which have never heard the gospel or have little to no access to it. The ship sends out church teams every Sunday to share about these people who have never heard about the hope of Jesus and how we as Christians need to rise to this mission that Christ gave us. I was able to go to Churches all around South America to share and even preach regarding this message. It was a blessing to see how excited some churches were about getting involved in missions and how hospitable people were to us, often offering us full meals after the service. It was a great example for me as to how I can treat people better and go beyond what is expected of me. 

But my time wasn't all about sharing at churches I also learnt about stepping out and sharing with strangers through doing street ministry. I was able to grow in the confidence of my faith and learned not to shy away from whatever the Lord was calling me to do. I learnt more about how to work together as the body of Christ, as all of us on the ship work together for one purpose. I learnt that we can serve the Lord wherever we are but that we need to be outspoken and passionate for Christ. My time onboard taught me a lot, and now that I'm back home I'm excited to get involved in furthering God's kingdom here too. 

Liam Packwood