St Mungo's Online

Dear Church Family,

It's been so encouraging to see how you are responding to the challenges presented the coronavirus crisis. Thank you for being family to each other and to those around you.

This update brings exciting news about our plans for this Sunday. Here's a short video message from Malcolm to tell you more.

The key points from Malcolm's message about Sunday:

  1. Join us at St Mungo's Online this Sunday at 1025 ready for the service to begin at 1030. (A recording of the service will also be available on the church website later in the day but please make every effort to participate live along with fellow St Mungo's members on Sunday morning).

  2. To join, click on the link on the front page of the church website.

Malcolm's other key message is to again encourage us not to allow ourselves to become isolated. House Groups and the Pastoral Care team are there to help.

Finally, a further reminder of our three ongoing requests.

Please continue to: 

  • be a good neighbour to those around you in your communities;

  • keep an eye on email, the church Facebook community page and the church website for further updates;

  • pray for our Governments, our amazing Healthcare Professionals, our most vulnerable and those who will care for them.

Derek Thomson, on behalf of Malcolm and the Vestry.

Friday 20th March 2020