Youth Lendrick Muir Weekend Report

Last month we took our youth “to the beach” for our weekend away to Lendrick Muir.  This weekend is one of my favourite times in the church calendar and is also a highlight for our many and amazing youth leaders.  One of our team described the weekend as EPIC!  I would agree!

 E = Everyone is welcome to join in the fun.

P = Power cut; Pizza; Pier; Prayer!

I = Investing in the current generation and inspiring them to do greater things for the Kingdom.

C = Community and being church family together.

Hopefully you will have now seen the feedback video (below!), which gives a glimpse of the fun and faith that underpins the weekend.  There were many highlights we couldn’t share in a short video, below are some of our personal highlights, to encourage you in this season of uncertainty, to proclaim that God still moves and is a constant in our lives.

·     An S1 making a 1st time commitment to Jesus.

·     Softening of hearts in our older youth; lots of smiles; hugs; coming forward for prayer and being open to what God was doing.

·     Young people praying for one another – a powerful time.

·     Some of our former youth returning to be our speakers; leading worship and giving their all to ministry; we are truly blessed.

·     One young person bringing 2 of their S6 friends who have no church connection – give thanks that what is created is a safe place for all.

·     Young people who find sung worship hard finding that we can worship God through creativity and producing amazing artwork in the Creative Curve.

Please join us in continuing to pray for our youth and all our young people in the 0-18 ministry, particularly at this time.  We have so much to give God thanks for.

Wendy Brown (0-18 staff team)