Summer Services 2024

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve shared our service plan for the summer. We are going to be running things differently over the 7 weeks of the school holidays (30 June to 11 Aug inclusive) using the same format as we have over the past couple of years.

Why are we doing this?

The main reason we are doing this is we want to give our 0-18 volunteers time over the summer to have a break and be refreshed. Historically, 0-18 volunteers would have all the school holidays off through the year but, due to a lack of volunteers, they are now only released from serving during the 3 family services (Christmas, Easter and Pentecost) and the summer holidays.

The other team we want to give time off to is our setup team. By running a church family service, this team do not need to clear and setup all the various rooms for 0-18 and so can be released from serving over these 7 weeks.

We want to give you a variety of options which will help you continue to press in for more of Jesus, grow in your faith, and stay connected as a church family over the summer through services and socials.


We are one church in 2 locations and so each Sunday we will have 4 services and regardless of which location you usually attend, you are welcome at any/all of them.

The services are as follows: 

  1. 8:45am - Traditional Communion Service in the Church Building, Ladycroft.

    This is roughly an hour long and is aliturgical service with hymns, communion and a talk from our main service speaking team. We are going to be looking at ‘The Fruit of the Spirit.’

  2. 10:30am - Church Family Service in Balerno High School.

    This is a shorter service, around 1 hour, and we are also going to be looking at ‘The Fruit of the Spirit’. The service will be similar to recent church family services and will include worship led by our main service worship team and youth, and include a live talk. We have designed this service to have something for everyone and we see this as a great opportunity to come together as the whole family of God . 

  3. 10:30am - Adult-Focussed Service at St Margaret’s Academy Livingston.

    This service will be the ‘usual’ St Mungo’s 10:30 service with worship, word and ministry. The talk will be the same as at the 8:45am Balerno service looking at ‘The Fruit of the Spirit’.  There will be no 0-18 provision, but there will be a room available for younger children and their carers and ‘busy bags’ with some relevant activities for young children and also in case we have any visitors over the summer period.

  4. 6:30pm - Evening Service in the Church Building, Ladycroft.

    *Starting on Sunday 7 July

    Our usual evening service schedule is paused for the summer. Every Sunday will have the usual worship and renewal prayer ministry, as normal, but every Sunday will also have a talk. The series is going to be ‘Disciples’ and we are excited to welcome guest speakers from within the congregation come and share with us. 

Children are welcome at all the venues, but please note that there will be no formal 0-18 provision at the 8:45, Livingston or evening services. Our recommendation is that if you are bringing children, then you join us at Balerno High School for our church family service. 


We know that with many people away at different points, and the change to the summer services program it is easy to feel disconnected from the church family. We are planning opportunities through the summer for us to gather informally together as church family and help maintain connection with each other.

Sunday 30 June - Gullane Beach Trip

There is no set agenda or organised activities, but they’ll be a bunch of people going and we’d love you join us. If you have a spare seat in your car, or you need a lift then pop a message on the Facebook Community page or ask if anyone from your House Group is going.

Sunday 21 July - Chippy Walk

After the evening service we will take a short walk through Sawmill Woods in Balerno and finish at the Balerno Fry. We will open up the Ministry Centre so that we can hang out together and eat chips…the dream!

Sunday 28 July - Beecraigs Country Park Picnic and Walk

After the morning 1030 service we will head up to Hillhouse carpark at Beecraigs Country Park. Like the beach trip, there won’t be any ‘officially organised’ activities, but there will be a crowd of people there. The idea is that we find a green space for a picnic and then people can head off for a walk after lunch.

Sunday 11 August - Hog Roast

Join us after the 10:30 service at the Wellness Centre garden/Woodcroft Field for a traditional Hog Roast. This will be a ticketed event and cost £5 per person (12 and over - 11 and under are FREE) A great way to finish off the summer season and spend time together as church family. This event is limited to 200 people so get your tickets quickly! (Churchsuite email to follow!)

Ad Hoc Socials

We also want to encourage you to put out invitations on Facebook, in your House Group WhatsApp, or anywhere else you can think of as we create opportunities for connection through the summer. The principle we use for Social Sundays applies: what are you doing anyway that other people might also like to join in with? It isn’t about creating extra work, it is all about being family.

If at any point in the summer you are feeling disconnected or if you have any questions or clarifications on the services then please email: