Youth weekend report

Due to the ever growing size of the St Mungo’s Youth, this year saw us run separate camps for our young people with the latest camp happening at the beginning of this month for the S1-S3s. Some went into it slightly apprehensive and disappointed that they’d be without their older friends and influences. But come the end of the weekend, many were asking if we can do it like this again, such was the great fun, connection and encounters had by many of the 35 young folk who attended!

Out theme for the camp at Scoughall was on weapons, with the inspiration being a scripture from 2 Corinthians 10:4 where Paul explains that “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” The focus of the meetings was to help equip the young people to realise there are eight different divine weapons that Christians have been given by God to fight the battle against the enemy. Jonny firstly explored the shoes we have been given. Then Dave looked at the melody we have been given. On the Saturday evening, Jonny then delved into the three defensive weapons in the form of a helmet, breastplate and shield. Before Megan wrapped us up on Sunday Morning exploring our attack weapons of a sword and belt, plus a super-sub of a weapon that is only available to those who believe in Jesus, that of prayer. Along with these talks at the meeting, we had some fantastic times of worship led beautifully by Becky, Eilidh and one of our older youth Rebecca, introduced some MC Hammer inspired memory verse challenges and had lots of fun games, including a particularly memorable foam axe forfeit challenge that featured serenades to Dave, some disgusting smoothies, cream pies, blindfolded trifle eating and some slimy red gunge.

The weekend also included lots of fun activities from rounders on the beach to archery tag, origami weapon making to a crazy water fight and saying G’Day to Bruce around the campfire to competitive neukemball, pool and football matches. One of the highlights for team and young people was just seeing connections and friendships grow amongst a group of young people who were quite distant going into this weekend. Having that time for just them to have fun and spend time together, really seems to have been impactful in a way that a full High School age camp wouldn’t have had. So we pray that these relationships will continue to flourish in the usual youth settings. We also saw six young people say Yes to following Jesus, either for the first time or in a recommitment, so we praise God for the significant spiritual moments that took place in the lives of these six, and many others, over the course of the weekend.

Our thanks go to SU for allowing use of the Scoughall site, all the leaders who gave out so much at the weekend, our amazingly loyal catering team who gave up their second weekend of the year to cook for our young people, our wonderful youth who make this such an enjoyable ministry to run and help in and of course God, for all he done in and through this weekend. If you want to hear more stories, just ask our youth and leaders, I’m sure they’ll be happy to reminisce with you about an incredible weekend had by all!