To the Beach!

Lendrick Muir Youth Weekend 2020

Friday 7th to Monday 10th February

To The Beach

Next month we are taking our youth “to the beach” for our annual weekend away to Lendrick Muir.

Over the weekend we will be looking at John 21 where Jesus prepares breakfast for the disciples; brings them back together as a community and family together; and the restoration of Peter so that they could go on to greater things in Acts where the gospel is shared and the growth of the church begins.

Mike Pilavachi recently said “Our calling is to raise up sons and daughters” and that is our heart in the 0-18 ministry, that our young people will have mothers and fathers who will invest in them; help them grow and to see the best in each of them, just as Jesus does.  Our desire is that our young people find a place to belong and believe our youth weekend away is a place where they can experience that.

We are delighted to announce that for the 2nd year running we will have 4 of our former youth joining us (Sandy & Amanda Buchan; Mark McArthur; Kate Millar) and they will be our main meeting speakers over the weekend.  These guys are very much part of the Mungo’s family and they continue to inspire their generation by living out their faith day by day.  Please do pray for them as they continue to prepare their talks for the weekend as well as juggling Uni commitments too.  And do join us in praying for this significant weekend, that our young people will experience love, acceptance and a hope for their future.

Sunday 12 January is the last day for the early booking deadline of £138; thereafter it’s £148 – still plenty of spaces if one of your young people would like to join us; all in S1-S6 welcome.

Wendy Brown (0-18 Staff Team)