Love After Marriage - Sign Up Now!

St Mungo’s is running the Love After Marriage (LAM) course again in February and March 2020 after a very successful one last year. 

LAM originates from Bethel Church in California ( and has helped thousands of couples around the world to strengthen their marriages and bring God into the heart of their relationships. Over 7-8 weeks, LAM will cover the emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of marriage and you will learn some simple tools to help you achieve and sustain better communication and breakthrough.

‘LAM gave us a chance to rest and be. It provided a new compass for us for our journey and our kids are enjoying a new connection and unity’.

‘As an individual I feel more understood and loved. In our marriage there is a new honesty in the way we communicate in a way that affirms us and our relationship’.

‘We have been married for 23 years and our busy life crowded out the important things; LAM got us communicating again’.

‘(LAM) unravels the lies you believe about yourself and your partner’.

Couples sit together in groups of 6-8, which are facilitated by an experienced LAM couple. They are there to help you as well as doing the course for themselves. These groups provide a safe and supportive place to bring God in to your marriage. Please be assured that you will not be asked to share anything you don’t want to.

‘I saw the group work as the scary bit, but very quickly I felt the atmosphere safe; there was trust, openness and respect’.

‘We really enjoyed praying with our table group; the prophetic words and pictures have been a real blessing’.

LAM 2020 starts with an information evening on Monday 27th January from 19:30 to 21:00 at the Ministry Centre in Balerno. The course itself begins on Monday 3rd February and runs over the following Monday’s and Saturday’s in February and March:

February: Mondays (7pm-10pm) - 3, 17, 24 Saturdays (9am-4.30pm) - 15

March: Mondays (7pm-10pm) - 2, 9, 16, 30 Saturdays (9am-4.30pm) - 14, 28

The course is led by Paul & Sarah Stanger, with Rik and Avril Smith, Tod & Andrea Chapin and John & Sheila Watson. Please feel welcome to come and talk to any of us if you have questions and you can email Paul and Sarah.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been married or where you’re at today, LAM can help you strengthen your marriage by inviting in Holy Spirit. We‘d particularly like to encourage couples in positions of spiritual leadership and with younger children to take this opportunity - and we will help to find babysitting volunteers where needed.