Vision Sunday & AGM Update

Last Sunday was Vision Sunday and our AGM – here’s a brief update on some of what happened. Further information can be found elsewhere on the website. Please listen to the talk if you missed it and collect your free gift at a forthcoming service.

Malcolm delivered his annual Vision Talk and challenged us to be:


From now on you’ll be fishing for people!”

(Luke 5:10)

The AGM included the appointment of Vestry Office Bearers. Tracey Braithwaite and Gill Scott were appointed to the two vacant general membership positions; and Alison Wilson, Steve Denning and Francis Cummings were reappointed as People’s Warden, Lay Rep to the Diocese and Alternate Lay Rep to the Diocese respectively.

Copies of the Vestry Report were issued via email on Thursday 16th January. (Please check your spam/junk folder if you haven’t seen it.)

Paper copies are available at information points or you can download it from here.

Copies of the full Annual Report and Accounts are also available. Please contact Derek Thomson to find out more.

Derek Thomson, Vestry Secretary